Require Import List.
Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.

Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
Open Scope Z_scope.

Require Import StructTactics.
Require Import ImpSyntax.
Require Import ImpCommon.

same as ImpInterp, but without safety checks

Definition lkup' (s : store) (x : string) : val :=
  match lkup s x with
  | Some v => v
  | None => Vint 0

Fixpoint updates' (s : store)
  (xs : list string) (vs : list val) : store :=
  match xs, vs with
  | x :: xs', v :: vs' =>
      updates' (update s x v) xs' vs'
  | _, _ => s

Definition strget' (v : val) (s : string) : val :=
  match v with
  | Vint i =>
      match String.get (Z.to_nat i) s with
      | Some c => Vstr (String c EmptyString)
      | None => Vint 0
  | _ => Vint 0

Definition read' (h : heap) (v : val) : val :=
  match v with
  | Vaddr a =>
      match read h a with
      | Some v' => v'
      | _ => Vint 0
  | _ => Vint 0

Definition alloc' (h : heap) (v1 v2 : val) : heap :=
  match v1 with
  | Vint i1 => alloc h i1 v2
  | _ => h

Definition write' (h : heap) (v1 v2 : val) : heap :=
  match v1 with
  | Vaddr i1 =>
      match write h i1 v2 with
      | Some h' => h'
      | _ => h
  | _ => h

Definition interp_op1
  (op : op1) (v : val) : val :=
  match op, v with
  | Oneg, Vint i =>
      Vint (Z.opp i)
  | Onot, Vbool b =>
      Vbool (negb b)
  | _, _ =>
      Vint 0

Definition interp_op2
  (op : op2) (v1 v2 : val) : val :=
  match op, v1, v2 with
  | Oadd, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vint (Z.add i1 i2)
  | Oadd, Vstr s1, Vstr s2 =>
      Vstr (String.append s1 s2)
  | Osub, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vint (Z.sub i1 i2)
  | Omul, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vint (Z.mul i1 i2)
  | Odiv, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vint (Z.div i1 i2)
  | Omod, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vint (Z.modulo i1 i2)
  | Oeq, v1, v2 =>
      Vbool (imp_eq v1 v2)
  | Olt, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vbool (imp_lt i1 i2)
  | Ole, Vint i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vbool (imp_le i1 i2)
  | Oconj, Vbool b1, Vbool b2 =>
      Vbool (andb b1 b2)
  | Odisj, Vbool b1, Vbool b2 =>
      Vbool (orb b1 b2)
  | Oadd, Vaddr i1, Vint i2 =>
      Vaddr (Zsucc (Z.add i1 i2))
  | _, _, _ =>
      Vint 0

Fixpoint interp_e (s : store) (h : heap)
  (e : expr) : val :=
  match e with
  | Eval v =>
  | Evar x =>
      lkup' s x
  | Eop1 op e1 =>
      interp_op1 op
        (interp_e s h e1)
  | Eop2 op e1 e2 =>
      interp_op2 op
        (interp_e s h e1)
        (interp_e s h e2)
  | Elen e1 =>
      match interp_e s h e1 with
      | Vaddr a => read' h (Vaddr a)
      | Vstr cs => Vint (Z.of_nat (String.length cs))
      | _ => Vint 0
  | Eidx e1 e2 =>
      match interp_e s h e1 with
      | Vaddr a =>
          read' h (interp_op2
            Oadd (Vaddr a) (interp_e s h e2))
      | Vstr cs =>
          strget' (interp_e s h e2) cs
      | _ => Vint 0

Fixpoint interps_e (s : store) (h : heap)
  (es : list expr) : list val :=
  match es with
  | nil => nil
  | e :: rest =>
      interp_e s h e :: interps_e s h rest

Fixpoint interp_s (env : env) (s : store) (h : heap)
  (p : stmt) : store * heap * stmt :=
  match p with
  | Snop =>
      (s, h, p)
  | Sset x e =>
      (update s x (interp_e s h e), h, Snop)
  | Salloc x e1 e2 =>
      ( update s x (Vaddr (zlen h))
      , alloc' h (interp_e s h e1) (interp_e s h e2)
      , Snop
  | Swrite x e1 e2 =>
      let h' :=
        write' h (interp_op2 Oadd
                    (lkup' s x)
                    (interp_e s h e1))
                 (interp_e s h e2)
        (s, h', Snop)
  | Scall x f es =>
      let vs := interps_e s h es in
      match locate env f with
      | Some (Func _ params body ret) =>
          ( updates' store_0 params vs
          , h
          , Sincall body ret x s
      | None =>
          let (v', h') := extcall f vs h in
          (update s x v', h', Snop)
  | Sifelse e p1 p2 =>
      match interp_e s h e with
      | Vbool false => (s, h, p2)
      | _ => (s, h, p1)
  | Swhile e p =>
      match interp_e s h e with
      | Vbool false => (s, h, Snop)
      | _ => (s, h, Sseq p (Swhile e p))
  | Sseq p1 p2 =>
      if isNop p1 then
        (s, h, p2)
        match interp_s env s h p1 with
        | (s', h', p1') => (s', h', Sseq p1' p2)
  | Sincall p ret x sr =>
      if isNop p then
        ( update sr x (interp_e s h ret)
        , h
        , Snop
        match interp_s env s h p with
        | (s', h', p') =>
            (s', h', Sincall p' ret x sr)

Fixpoint interps_p (fuel : nat) (env : env)
  (s : store) (h : heap) (p : stmt)
  (ret : expr) : result :=
  match fuel with
  | O => Timeout s h p ret
  | S n =>
      if isNop p then
        Done h (interp_e s h ret)
        match interp_s env s h p with
        | (s', h', p') =>
            interps_p n env s' h' p' ret

Definition interp_p (fuel : nat) (p : prog) : result :=
  match p with
  | Prog funcs body ret =>
      interps_p fuel funcs store_0 heap_0 body ret

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