Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import String.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Omega.

List provides the cons notation "::" and the append notation "++".

Eval cbv in (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil).
Eval cbv in (1 :: 2 :: nil ++ 3 :: 4 :: nil).

Prop is the type we give to propositions.

Check Prop.

Inductive myTrue : Prop :=
| I : myTrue.

Lemma foo :
  exact I.

Print True.

Inductive myFalse : Prop :=

Print False.

Lemma bogus:
  False -> 1 = 2.
  inversion H.

Lemma foo' :
  exact bool.
apply list. apply nat.
exact list. exact (list bool). exact bool.

Lemma also_bogus:
  1 = 2 -> False.

Note that even equality is defined, not builtin.
Print eq.

Here's yo, another definition of an empty type.
Inductive yo : Prop :=
| yolo : yo -> yo.

We will have to do a little more work to show that yo is empty though.
Lemma yoyo:
  yo -> False.
  inversion H.
  inversion H0.
  inversion H1.
well, that didn't work
  induction H.
but that did!

Negation in Coq is encoded in the not type.
It sort of works like our yoyo proof above.
Print not.

Expression Syntax

Use String and Z notations.
Open Scope string_scope.

Check (1 + 2).

Open Scope Z_scope.

Check (1 + 2).

Inductive expr : Type :=
| Eint : Z -> expr
| Evar : string -> expr
| Eadd : expr -> expr -> expr
| Emul : expr -> expr -> expr
| Elte : expr -> expr -> expr.

On paper, we would typically write this type down using a "BNF grammar" as:
    expr ::= Z
          |  Var
          |  expr + expr
          |  expr * expr
          |  expr <= expr

Coercion Eint : Z >-> expr.
Coercion Evar : string >-> expr.
Notation "X [+] Y" := (Eadd X Y)
  (at level 83, left associativity).
Notation "X [*] Y" := (Emul X Y)
  (at level 82, left associativity).
Notation "X [<=] Y" := (Elte X Y)
  (at level 84, no associativity).

Check (1 [+] 2).
Check ("x" [+] 2).
Check ("x" [+] 2 [<=] "y").
Check (Elte (Eadd (Evar "x") (Eint 2)) (Evar "y")).

Lemma add_comm_bogus :
  (forall e1 e2, Eadd e1 e2 = Eadd e2 e1) ->
  specialize (H 0 1).

Fixpoint nconsts (e: expr) : nat :=
  match e with
  | Eint _ =>
  | Evar _ =>
  | Eadd e1 e2 =>
     nconsts e1 + nconsts e2
  | Emul e1 e2 =>
      nconsts e1 + nconsts e2
  | Elte e1 e2 =>
      nconsts e1 + nconsts e2

Eval cbv in (nconsts (1 [*] 2 [+] "x" [<=] 5)).

Print exist.

Lemma expr_w_3_consts:
  exists e,
  nconsts e = 3%nat.
  exists (3 [+] 2 [+] 1).
  simpl. reflexivity.

Compute the size of an expression.
Fixpoint esize (e: expr) : nat :=
  match e with
  | Eint _
  | Evar _ =>
  | Eadd e1 e2
  | Emul e1 e2
  | Elte e1 e2 =>
      esize e1 + esize e2

Print esize.

Lemma nconsts_le_size:
  forall e,
  (nconsts e <= esize e)%nat.
  induction e.
  + simpl. auto.
  + simpl. auto.
  + simpl. omega.
  + simpl. omega.
  + simpl. omega.

that proof had a lot of copy-pasta :(
Lemma nconsts_le_size':
  forall e,
  (nconsts e <= esize e)%nat.
  induction e; simpl; auto; omega.

Locate "<=".

Print le.

le is a relation defined as an "inductive predicate".
We give rules for when the relation holds: (1) all nats are less than or equal to themselves and (2) if n <= m, then also n <= S m.
All proofs of le are built up from just these two constructors!
We can define our own relations to encode properties of expressions. In the has_const inductive predicate below, each constructor corresponds to one way you could prove that an expression has a constant.

Inductive has_const : expr -> Prop :=
| hc_int :
    forall c, has_const (Eint c)
| hc_add_l :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_const e1 ->
    has_const (Eadd e1 e2)
| hc_add_r :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_const e2 ->
    has_const (Eadd e1 e2)
| hc_mul_l :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_const e1 ->
    has_const (Emul e1 e2)
| hc_mul_r :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_const e2 ->
    has_const (Emul e1 e2)
| hc_cmp_l :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_const e1 ->
    has_const (Elte e1 e2)
| hc_cmp_r :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_const e2 ->
    has_const (Elte e1 e2).

Similarly, we can define a relation that holds on expressions that contain a variable.
Inductive has_var : expr -> Prop :=
| hv_var :
    forall s, has_var (Evar s)
| hv_add_l :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_var e1 ->
    has_var (Eadd e1 e2)
| hv_add_r :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_var e2 ->
    has_var (Eadd e1 e2)
| hv_mul_l :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_var e1 ->
    has_var (Emul e1 e2)
| hv_mul_r :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_var e2 ->
    has_var (Emul e1 e2)
| hv_cmp_l :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_var e1 ->
    has_var (Elte e1 e2)
| hv_cmp_r :
    forall e1 e2,
    has_var e2 ->
    has_var (Elte e1 e2).

We can also write boolean functions that check the same properties.
Note that orb is disjuction over booleans:
Print orb.

Fixpoint hasConst (e: expr) : bool :=
  match e with
  | Eint _ => true
  | Evar _ => false
  | Eadd e1 e2 => orb (hasConst e1) (hasConst e2)
  | Emul e1 e2 => orb (hasConst e1) (hasConst e2)
  | Elte e1 e2 => orb (hasConst e1) (hasConst e2)

We can write that a little more compactly using the "||" notation for orb provided by the Bool library.
Fixpoint hasVar (e: expr) : bool :=
  match e with
  | Eint _ => false
  | Evar _ => true
  | Eadd e1 e2 => hasVar e1 || hasVar e2
  | Emul e1 e2 => hasVar e1 || hasVar e2
  | Elte e1 e2 => hasVar e1 || hasVar e2

That looks way easier! However, as the quarter progresses, we'll see that sometime defining a property as an inductive relation is more convenient.

Print yo_ind.
Print yo_rect.

We can prove that our relational and functional versions agree. This shows that the hasConst function is COMPLETE with respect to the relation has_const. Thus, anything that satisfies the relation evaluates to "true" under the function hasConst.
Lemma has_const_hasConst:
  forall e,
  has_const e ->
  hasConst e = true.
  induction e.
  + simpl. reflexivity.
  + simpl.
uh oh, trying to prove something false! it's OK though because we have a bogus hyp!
    inversion H.
inversion lets us do case analysis on how a hypothesis of an inductive type may have been built. In this case, there is no way to build a value of type "has_const (Evar s)", so we complete the proof of this subgoal for all zero ways of building such a value
here we use inversion to consider how a value of type "has_const (Eadd e1 e2)" could have been built
    inversion H.
built with hc_add_l
subst rewrites all equalities it can
      apply IHe1 in H1.
remember notation "||" is same as orb
      rewrite H1. simpl. reflexivity.
built with hc_add_r
      subst. apply IHe2 in H1.
      simpl. rewrite H1.
use fact that orb is commutative
      rewrite orb_comm.
you can find this by turning on auto completion or using a search query
SearchAbout orb.
      simpl. reflexivity.
Mul case is similar
    inversion H; simpl; subst.
    - apply IHe1 in H1; rewrite H1; auto.
    - apply IHe2 in H1; rewrite H1;
      rewrite orb_comm; auto.
Lte case is similar
    inversion H; simpl; subst.
    - apply IHe1 in H1; rewrite H1; auto.
    - apply IHe2 in H1; rewrite H1;
      rewrite orb_comm; auto.

Now for the other direction.
Here we'll prove that the hasConst function is SOUND with respect to the relation. That is, if hasConst produces true, then there is some proof of the inductive relation has_const.
Lemma hasConst_has_const:
  forall e,
  hasConst e = true ->
  has_const e.
  induction e.
  + simpl.
we can prove this case with a constructor
this uses hc_const
Uh oh, no constructor for has_const can possibly produce a value of our goal type! It's OK though because we have a bogus hypothesis.
    simpl in H.
now do Add case
    simpl in H.
either e1 or e2 had a Const
    apply orb_true_iff in H.
consider cases for H
    destruct H.
e1 had a Const
      apply hc_add_l.
      apply IHe1.
e2 had a Const
      apply hc_add_r.
      apply IHe2.
Mul case is similar
     simpl in H; apply orb_true_iff in H; destruct H.
constructor will just use hc_mul_l
       constructor. apply IHe1. assumption.
constructor will screw up and try hc_mul_l again! constructor is rather dim
       apply hc_mul_r. apply IHe2. assumption.
Lte case is similar
     simpl in H; apply orb_true_iff in H; destruct H.
     - constructor; auto.
     - apply hc_cmp_r; auto.

we can stitch these two lemmas together
Lemma has_const_iff_hasConst:
  forall e,
  has_const e <-> hasConst e = true.
  intros. split.
  • >
    apply has_const_hasConst.
    apply hasConst_has_const.

Notice all that work was only for the "true" cases!
We can prove analogous facts for the "false" cases too.
Here we will prove the "false" cases directly. However, note that you could use has_const_iff_hasConst to get a much simpler proof.

Lemma not_has_const_hasConst:
  forall e,
  ~ has_const e ->
  hasConst e = false.
  unfold not. intros.
  induction e.
  + simpl.
uh oh, trying to prove something bogus better exploit a bogus hypothesis
proof by contradiction
    apply H. constructor.
  + simpl. reflexivity.
  + simpl. apply orb_false_iff.
prove conjunction by proving left and right
    - apply IHe1. intro.
      apply H. apply hc_add_l. assumption.
    - apply IHe2. intro.
      apply H. apply hc_add_r. assumption.
Mul case is similar
    simpl; apply orb_false_iff.
    - apply IHe1; intro.
      apply H. apply hc_mul_l. assumption.
    - apply IHe2; intro.
      apply H. apply hc_mul_r. assumption.
Lte case is similar
    simpl; apply orb_false_iff.
    - apply IHe1; intro.
      apply H. apply hc_cmp_l. assumption.
    - apply IHe2; intro.
      apply H. apply hc_cmp_r. assumption.

Here is a more direct proof based on the iff we proved for the true case.
Lemma not_has_const_hasConst':
  forall e,
  ~ has_const e ->
  hasConst e = false.
do case analysis on hasConst e eqn:? remembers the result in a hypothesis
  destruct (hasConst e) eqn:?.
  - rewrite <- has_const_iff_hasConst in Heqb.
now we have hasConst e = true in our hypothesis
We have a contradiction in our hypotheses discriminate won't work this time though
    unfold not in H.
    apply H in Heqb.
    inversion Heqb.
  - reflexivity.
For the other case, this is easy

Now the other direction of the false case
Lemma false_hasConst_hasConst:
  forall e,
  hasConst e = false ->
  ~ has_const e.
  unfold not. intros.
  induction e;
crunch down everything in subgoals
    simpl in *.
  + discriminate.
  + inversion H0.
  + apply orb_false_iff in H.
get both proofs out of a conjunction by destructing it
    destruct H.
case analysis on H0 DISCUSS: how do we know to do this?
    inversion H0.
    - subst. auto.
auto will chain things for us
    - subst. auto.
Mul case similar
    apply orb_false_iff in H; destruct H.
    inversion H0; subst; auto.
Lte case similar
    apply orb_false_iff in H; destruct H.
    inversion H0; subst; auto.

Since we've proven the iff for the true case We can use it to prove the false case This is the same lemma as above, but using our previous results
Lemma false_hasConst_hasConst':
  forall e,
  hasConst e = false ->
  ~ has_const e.
~ X is just X -> False
  unfold not.
  rewrite has_const_iff_hasConst in H0.
  rewrite H in H0.

We can also do all the same sorts of proofs for has_var and hasVar

Lemma has_var_hasVar:
  forall e,
  has_var e ->
  hasVar e = true.
TODO: try this without copying from above

Lemma hasVar_has_var:
  forall e,
  hasVar e = true ->
  has_var e.
TODO: try this without copying from above

Lemma has_var_iff_hasVar:
  forall e,
  has_var e <-> hasVar e = true.
TODO: try this without copying from above

we can also prove things about expressions
Lemma expr_bottoms_out:
  forall e,
  has_const e \/ has_var e.
  intros. induction e.
prove left side of disjunction
prove right side of disjunction
case analysis on IHe1
    destruct IHe1.
    - left. constructor. assumption.
    - right. constructor. assumption.
Mul case similar
    destruct IHe1.
    - left. constructor. assumption.
    - right. constructor. assumption.
Cmp case similar
    destruct IHe1.
    - left. constructor. assumption.
    - right. constructor. assumption.

we could have gotten some of the has_const lemmas by being a little clever! (but then we wouldn't have learned as many tactics ;) )

Lemma has_const_hasConst':
  forall e,
  has_const e ->
  hasConst e = true.
  induction H; simpl; auto.
  + rewrite orb_true_iff. auto.
  + rewrite orb_true_iff. auto.
  + rewrite orb_true_iff. auto.
  + rewrite orb_true_iff. auto.
  + rewrite orb_true_iff. auto.
  + rewrite orb_true_iff. auto.

or even better
Lemma has_const_hasConst'':
  forall e,
  has_const e ->
  hasConst e = true.
  induction H; simpl; auto;
    rewrite orb_true_iff; auto.

Lemma not_has_const_hasConst'':
  forall e,
  ~ has_const e ->
  hasConst e = false.
  unfold not; intros.
  destruct (hasConst e) eqn:?.
  - exfalso. apply H.
    apply hasConst_has_const; auto.
  - reflexivity.

Lemma false_hasConst_hasConst'':
  forall e,
  hasConst e = false ->
  ~ has_const e.
  unfold not; intros.
  destruct (hasConst e) eqn:?.
  - discriminate.
  - rewrite has_const_hasConst in Heqb.
NOTE: we got another subgoal!
    * discriminate.
    * assumption.

In general: Relational defns are nice when you want to use inversion. Functional defns are nice when you want to use simpl.

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