Episode 04: Operational Semantics

Require Import String.
Open Scope string.

Definition var := string.
Definition val := nat.

Inductive expr : Type :=
| Const : val -> expr
| Var : var -> expr
| Add : expr -> expr -> expr
| Mul : expr -> expr -> expr.

Inductive stmt : Type :=
| Skip : stmt
| Assign : var -> expr -> stmt
| Seq : stmt -> stmt -> stmt
| Cond : expr -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt
| While : expr -> stmt -> stmt.

Definition heap := var -> val.

Definition empty : heap :=
  fun s => 0.

Definition add_binding n v h : heap :=
  fun s => if string_dec s n then v else h s.

Inductive Eval (h: heap) : expr -> val -> Prop :=
| EConst : forall n,
  Eval h (Const n) n
| EVar : forall x,
  Eval h (Var x) (h x)
| EAdd : forall e1 e2 c1 c2 c3,
  Eval h e1 c1 ->
  Eval h e2 c2 ->
  c3 = c1 + c2 ->
  Eval h (Add e1 e2) c3
| EAdd : forall e1 e2 c1 c2, Eval h e1 c1 -> Eval h e2 c2 -> Eval h (Add e1 e2) (c1 + c2)
but this forces Coq to guess c1 and c2 from (c1 + c2) which can be impossible, so it helps to introduce another variable c3 and add an equality that can be delayed until c1 and c2 have been figured out in other parts of the proof.
| EMul : forall e1 e2 c1 c2,
  Eval h e1 c1 ->
  Eval h e2 c2 ->
  Eval h (Mul e1 e2) (c1 * c2).

Theorem Eval_101 :
  Eval (add_binding "y" 4 empty) (Add (Add (Const 3) (Var "y")) (Const 5)) 12.
  eapply EAdd.
  eapply EAdd.

Print Eval_101.

Inductive Step (h : heap) : stmt -> heap -> stmt -> Prop :=
| SAssign : forall e c x,
  Eval h e c ->
  Step h (Assign x e) (fun s => if string_dec s x then c else h s) Skip
| SSeq1 : forall s,
  Step h (Seq Skip s) h s
| SSeq2 : forall s1 s2 s1' h',
  Step h s1 h' s1' ->
  Step h (Seq s1 s2) h' (Seq s1' s2)
| SCondT : forall e c s1 s2,
  Eval h e c ->
  c > 0 ->
  Step h (Cond e s1 s2) h s1
| SCondF : forall e c s1 s2,
  Eval h e c ->
  c <= 0 ->
  Step h (Cond e s1 s2) h s2
| SWhileT : forall e c s,
  Eval h e c ->
  c > 0 ->
  Step h (While e s) h (Seq s (While e s))
| SWhileF : forall e c s,
  Eval h e c ->
  c <= 0 ->
  Step h (While e s) h Skip.

alternatively... | SWhileT : forall e s, Step h (While e s) h (Seq (Cond e s) (While e s))

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