Require Import ZArith.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Require Import L05_syntax.
expr : big step
The empty memory just maps everything to zero.
We will also need to evaluate our operators
over ints. Since there's a bunch, we'll define
a helper function for this.
Definition exec_op (op: binop) (i1 i2: Z) : Z :=
match op with
| Add => i1 + i2
| Sub => i1 - i2
| Mul => i1 * i2
| Div => i1 / i2
| Mod => i1 mod i2
| Lt => if Z_lt_dec i1 i2 then 1 else 0
| Lte => if Z_le_dec i1 i2 then 1 else 0
| Conj => if Z_eq_dec i1 0 then 0 else
if Z_eq_dec i2 0 then 0 else 1
| Disj => if Z_eq_dec i1 0 then
if Z_eq_dec i2 0 then 0 else 1
else 1
SearchAbout Z.
Now we can define a relation to capture
the semantics of expressions
Inductive eval : heap -> expr -> Z -> Prop :=
| eval_int:
forall h i,
eval h (Int i) i
| eval_var:
forall h v,
eval h (Var v) (h v)
| eval_binop:
forall h op e1 e2 i1 i2 i3,
eval h e1 i1 ->
eval h e2 i2 ->
exec_op op i1 i2 = i3 ->
eval h (BinOp op e1 e2) i3.
Lemma eval_ex1:
eval empty ("x" [+] 1) 1.
apply eval_binop with (i1 := 0)
(i2 := 1).
- apply eval_var.
- apply eval_int.
- simpl. reflexivity.
Lemma eval_ex2:
~ eval empty ("x" [+] 1) 2.
unfold not.
inversion H. subst.
inversion H4.
unfold empty in H1. subst.
inversion H6. subst.
simpl in H7.
We can also define an interpreter for expressions.
Fixpoint interp_expr (h: heap) (e: expr) : Z :=
match e with
| Int i => i
| Var v => h v
| BinOp op e1 e2 =>
exec_op op (interp_expr h e1) (interp_expr h e2)
Eval cbv in (interp_expr empty ("x" [+] 1)).
... and prove relational and functional versions agree
simpl goal and context in all subgoals
simpl in *.
NOTE: coercions make it look like types are bogus!
replace z with i everywhere
`apply eval_int` would also work here
- subst.
replace i with (h s) everywhere
`apply eval_var` would also work here
`apply eval_binop` won't work,
even though it seems like it should unify.
Coq complains:
Error: Unable to find an instance for the variables i1, i2.because it needs to know those to apply the constructor. We can use a variant of apply to tell Coq exacly what i1 and i2 should be.
now we have extra subgoals for the
hypotheses of the eval_binop constructor
UGH. IHe1 is too weak, for a specific i :( back out and try again REMEMBER: don't intro too many things too soon!!!
Lemma interp_expr_ok:
forall h e i,
interp_expr h e = i ->
eval h e i.
intros h e.
induction e; simpl in *; intros.
- subst; constructor.
- subst; constructor.
Lemma interp_expr_ok:
forall h e i,
interp_expr h e = i ->
eval h e i.
intros h e.
induction e; simpl in *; intros.
- subst; constructor.
- subst; constructor.
OK, now IHe1 and IHe2 look stronger
apply eval_binop with (i1 := interp_expr h e1)
(i2 := interp_expr h e2).
+ apply IHe1. auto.
+ apply IHe2. auto.
+ assumption.
(i2 := interp_expr h e2).
+ apply IHe1. auto.
+ apply IHe2. auto.
+ assumption.
`interp_expr_ok` only shows that if the interpreter
produces `i` as the result of evaluating expr `e` in
heap `h`, then eval relates `h`, `e`, and `i`
as well. We can prove the other direction:
if the eval relates `h`, `e`, and `i`, then
the interpreter will produce `i` as the result
of evaluation expr `e` in heap `h`.
careful not to intro too much
induction e; simpl in *; intros.
inversion tells coq to let us do
case analysis on all the ways H
could have been produced
inversion H.
we get a bunch of equalities in our
context, subst will clean them up
- inversion H; subst; reflexivity.
- inversion H; subst.
rewrite (IHe1 i1 H4).
- inversion H; subst; reflexivity.
- inversion H; subst.
rewrite (IHe1 i1 H4).
we can "fill in" an equality to rewrite with
rewrite (IHe2 i2 H6).
we actually could have proved the
above lemma in an even cooler way:
by doing induction on the derivation
of eval!
Lemma eval_interp´:
forall h e i,
eval h e i ->
interp_expr h e = i.
intros. induction H; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- subst. reflexivity.
forall h e i,
eval h e i ->
interp_expr h e = i.
intros. induction H; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- subst. reflexivity.
notice how much cleaner that was!
we can also write the one of the earlier
lemmas in a slightly cleaner way
Lemma interp_eval:
forall h e,
eval h e (interp_expr h e).
intros. induction e; simpl.
- constructor.
- constructor.
`constructor.` will not work here because
the goal does not unify with the eval_binop
case. `econstructor` is a more flexible
version of constructor that introduces
existentials that will allow things to
unify behind the scenes. Check it out!
`assumption.` will not work here because
our goal has an existential in it. However
`eassumption` knows how to handle it!
+ eassumption.
+ reflexivity.
+ eassumption.
+ reflexivity.
OK, so we've shown that our relational semantics
for expr agrees with our functional interpreter.
One nice consequence of this is that we can easily
show that our eval relation is deterministic.
Lemma eval_det:
forall h e i1 i2,
eval h e i1 ->
eval h e i2 ->
i1 = i2.
apply eval_interp in H.
apply eval_interp in H0.
subst. reflexivity.
it's a bit more work without interp, but not too bad
set up a strong induction hyp
intros h e i1 i2 H. revert i2.
induction H; intros.
- inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
- inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
- inversion H2. subst.
apply IHeval1 in H7.
apply IHeval2 in H9.
subst. reflexivity.
Lemma eval_swap_add:
forall h e1 e2 i,
eval h (BinOp Add e1 e2) i <-> eval h (BinOp Add e2 e1) i.
split; intros.
- inversion H. subst.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+ simpl. omega.
- inversion H; subst.
econstructor; eauto.
simpl. omega.
Lemma interp_expr_swap_add:
forall h e1 e2,
interp_expr h (BinOp Add e1 e2) = interp_expr h (BinOp Add e2 e1).
intros; simpl.
Lemma eval_add_zero:
forall h e i,
eval h (BinOp Add e (Int 0)) i <-> eval h e i.
split; intros.
- inversion H; subst.
inversion H6; subst.
induction H; intros.
- inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
- inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
- inversion H2. subst.
apply IHeval1 in H7.
apply IHeval2 in H9.
subst. reflexivity.
Lemma eval_swap_add:
forall h e1 e2 i,
eval h (BinOp Add e1 e2) i <-> eval h (BinOp Add e2 e1) i.
split; intros.
- inversion H. subst.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+ simpl. omega.
- inversion H; subst.
econstructor; eauto.
simpl. omega.
Lemma interp_expr_swap_add:
forall h e1 e2,
interp_expr h (BinOp Add e1 e2) = interp_expr h (BinOp Add e2 e1).
intros; simpl.
Lemma eval_add_zero:
forall h e i,
eval h (BinOp Add e (Int 0)) i <-> eval h e i.
split; intros.
- inversion H; subst.
inversion H6; subst.
replace (i1 + 0) with i1 by omega.
- econstructor; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ simpl. omega.
Lemma interp_expr_add_zero:
forall h e,
interp_expr h (BinOp Add e (Int 0)) = interp_expr h e.
intros; simpl.
Lemma eval_mul_zero:
forall h e i,
eval h (BinOp Mul e (Int 0)) i <-> i = 0.
split; intros.
- inversion H; subst.
inversion H6; subst.
simpl. omega.
- subst.
pose (interp_expr h e).
eapply eval_binop with (i1 := z).
+ apply interp_expr_ok. auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ simpl. omega.
Lemma interp_expr_mul_zero:
forall h e,
interp_expr h (BinOp Mul e (Int 0)) = 0.
intros; simpl.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ simpl. omega.
Lemma interp_expr_add_zero:
forall h e,
interp_expr h (BinOp Add e (Int 0)) = interp_expr h e.
intros; simpl.
Lemma eval_mul_zero:
forall h e i,
eval h (BinOp Mul e (Int 0)) i <-> i = 0.
split; intros.
- inversion H; subst.
inversion H6; subst.
simpl. omega.
- subst.
pose (interp_expr h e).
eapply eval_binop with (i1 := z).
+ apply interp_expr_ok. auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ simpl. omega.
Lemma interp_expr_mul_zero:
forall h e,
interp_expr h (BinOp Mul e (Int 0)) = 0.
intros; simpl.
Definition update (h: heap) (v: string) (i: Z) : heap :=
fun v´ =>
if string_dec v´ v then
h v´.
Inductive step : heap -> stmt -> heap -> stmt -> Prop :=
| step_assign:
forall h v e i,
eval h e i ->
step h (Assign v e) (update h v i) Nop
| step_seq_nop:
forall h s,
step h (Seq Nop s) h s
| step_seq:
forall h s1 s2 s1´ h´,
step h s1 h´ s1´ ->
step h (Seq s1 s2) h´ (Seq s1´ s2)
| step_cond_true:
forall h e s i,
eval h e i ->
i <> 0 ->
step h (Cond e s) h s
| step_cond_false:
forall h e s i,
eval h e i ->
i = 0 ->
step h (Cond e s) h Nop
| step_while_true:
forall h e s i,
eval h e i ->
i <> 0 ->
step h (While e s) h (Seq s (While e s))
| step_while_false:
forall h e s i,
eval h e i ->
i = 0 ->
step h (While e s) h Nop.
note that there are several other ways
we could have done semantics for while.
Here's one of them:
step_while :
forall e s,
step h (While e s) h (Cond e (While e s))
As a "fun" exercise, change the while rule to the above and redo the rest of the file.
We can also define an interpreter to run
a single step of a stmt, but we'll have
to learn some new types to write it down.
Note that, unlike eval, the step relation
is partial: not every heap and stmt is related
to another heap and stmt!
Lemma step_partial:
exists h, exists s,
forall h´ s´, ~ step h s h´ s´.
exists empty.
exists Nop.
intros. unfold not. intros.
inversion H.
exists h, exists s,
forall h´ s´, ~ step h s h´ s´.
exists empty.
exists Nop.
intros. unfold not. intros.
inversion H.
In general, we say that any stmt that
cannot step is "stuck"
Definition stuck (s: stmt) : Prop :=
forall h h´ s´,
~ step h s h´ s´.
Lemma nop_stuck:
stuck Nop.
unfold stuck, not; intros.
inversion H.
forall h h´ s´,
~ step h s h´ s´.
Lemma nop_stuck:
stuck Nop.
unfold stuck, not; intros.
inversion H.
Our definition of "stuck" requires that the program is stuck in *all* heaps.
In class, we discussed an alternative, heap-specific version of stuck.
Doug asserted that if an Imp program is stuck in a particular heap, it is stuck in any heap.
As another "fun" exercise, prove Doug right!
Doug suggests that you prove the "step_exists_heap" lemma in order to get started.
Definition stuck´ (s : stmt) :=
exists h,
forall h´ s´,
~ step h s h´ s´.
Lemma step_exists_heap :
forall h1 h1´ h2 s s1´,
step h1 s h1´ s1´ ->
exists h2´ s2´,
step h2 s h2´ s2´.
Theorem stuck´_stuck :
forall s,
stuck´ s -> stuck s.
Since the step relation is partial, but all
functions have to be total, we will use the
`option` type to represent the results of
step interpreter.
Print option.
We could define our interpreter this way,
but we end up with a case explosion in
the Seq nop / non-nop cases...
Fixpoint interp_step (h: heap) (s: stmt) : option (heap * stmt) :=
match s with
| Nop => None
| Assign v e =>
Some (update h v (interp_expr h e), Nop)
| Seq Nop s =>
Some (h, s)
| Seq s1 s2 =>
match interp_step h s1 with
| Some (h', s1') => Some (h', Seq s1' s2)
| None => None
| Cond e s =>
if Z_eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0 then
Some (h, Nop)
Some (h, s)
| While e s =>
if Z_eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0 then
Some (h, Nop)
Some (h, Seq s (While e s))
So instead, we'll define a helper to simplify the match.
Definition isNop (s: stmt) : bool :=
match s with
| Nop => true
| _ => false
Lemma isNop_ok:
forall s,
isNop s = true <-> s = Nop.
a lot of times we don't really need intros
destruct s; simpl; split; intros;
auto; discriminate.
Fixpoint interp_step (h: heap) (s: stmt) : option (heap * stmt) :=
match s with
| Nop => None
| Assign v e =>
Some (update h v (interp_expr h e), Nop)
| Seq s1 s2 =>
if isNop s1 then
Some (h, s2)
match interp_step h s1 with
| Some (h´, s1´) => Some (h´, Seq s1´ s2)
| None => None
| Cond e s =>
if Z_eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0 then
Some (h, Nop)
Some (h, s)
| While e s =>
if Z_eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0 then
Some (h, Nop)
Some (h, Seq s (While e s))
auto; discriminate.
Fixpoint interp_step (h: heap) (s: stmt) : option (heap * stmt) :=
match s with
| Nop => None
| Assign v e =>
Some (update h v (interp_expr h e), Nop)
| Seq s1 s2 =>
if isNop s1 then
Some (h, s2)
match interp_step h s1 with
| Some (h´, s1´) => Some (h´, Seq s1´ s2)
| None => None
| Cond e s =>
if Z_eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0 then
Some (h, Nop)
Some (h, s)
| While e s =>
if Z_eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0 then
Some (h, Nop)
Some (h, Seq s (While e s))
and we can prove that our step interpreter
agrees with our relational semantics
Lemma interp_step_ok:
forall h s h´ s´,
interp_step h s = Some (h´, s´) ->
step h s h´ s´.
intros h s. revert h.
induction s; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- inversion H. subst.
constructor. apply interp_eval.
- destruct (isNop s1) eqn:?.
forall h s h´ s´,
interp_step h s = Some (h´, s´) ->
step h s h´ s´.
intros h s. revert h.
induction s; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- inversion H. subst.
constructor. apply interp_eval.
- destruct (isNop s1) eqn:?.
use the weird `eqn:?` after a destruct
to remember what you destructed!
+ rewrite isNop_ok in Heqb. subst.
inversion H. subst. constructor.
+ destruct (interp_step h s1) as [[foo bar]|] eqn:?.
inversion H. subst. constructor.
+ destruct (interp_step h s1) as [[foo bar]|] eqn:?.
and you can control the names of parts of
constructors using "destruct ... as ..."
* inversion H. subst.
apply IHs1 in Heqo.
constructor. assumption.
* discriminate.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0) eqn:?.
+ inversion H. subst.
apply IHs1 in Heqo.
constructor. assumption.
* discriminate.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0) eqn:?.
+ inversion H. subst.
Once again `constructor` and even `apply step_cond_false`
will not work because the conclusion of the step_cond_false
constructor needs to know what `i` should be.
We could explicity use the
`apply step_cond_false with (i := ...)`
flavor of apply to specify `i`, but using
`econstructor` is more convenient and flexible.
now that we have these existentials in
our context we have to use the `e` versions
of all our regular tactics.
eapply interp_eval.
existential resolved!
while is pretty similar to cond
destruct (Z.eq_dec (interp_expr h e) 0) eqn:?.
+ inversion H; subst.
eapply step_while_false; eauto.
apply interp_eval; auto.
+ inversion H; subst.
eapply step_while_true; eauto.
apply interp_eval; auto.
+ inversion H; subst.
eapply step_while_false; eauto.
apply interp_eval; auto.
+ inversion H; subst.
eapply step_while_true; eauto.
apply interp_eval; auto.
So far, `step` only does one "step" of
an execution of a stmt. We can build
the transitive closure of this relation
though to reason about with more than one step.
Inductive step_n : heap -> stmt -> nat -> heap -> stmt -> Prop :=
| sn_refl:
forall h s,
step_n h s O h s
| sn_step:
forall h1 s1 n h2 s2 h3 s3,
step_n h1 s1 n h2 s2 ->
step h2 s2 h3 s3 ->
step_n h1 s1 (S n) h3 s3.
| sn_refl:
forall h s,
step_n h s O h s
| sn_step:
forall h1 s1 n h2 s2 h3 s3,
step_n h1 s1 n h2 s2 ->
step h2 s2 h3 s3 ->
step_n h1 s1 (S n) h3 s3.
Notice how we "add a step" to the end for step_n.
We can also "add a step" on the beginning.
Lemma step_n_left:
forall h1 s1 h2 s2 n h3 s3,
step h1 s1 h2 s2 ->
step_n h2 s2 n h3 s3 ->
step_n h1 s1 (S n) h3 s3.
intros. induction H0.
- econstructor.
+ econstructor.
+ assumption.
- econstructor.
+ eapply IHstep_n; eauto.
+ assumption.
forall h1 s1 h2 s2 n h3 s3,
step h1 s1 h2 s2 ->
step_n h2 s2 n h3 s3 ->
step_n h1 s1 (S n) h3 s3.
intros. induction H0.
- econstructor.
+ econstructor.
+ assumption.
- econstructor.
+ eapply IHstep_n; eauto.
+ assumption.
Defining an interpreter for more than one step is trickier!
Since a stmt may not terminate, we can't just
naively write a recursive function to run a
stmt. Instead, we'll use a notion of "fuel"
to guarantee that our function always terminates
Fixpoint run (fuel: nat) (h: heap) (s: stmt) : option (heap * stmt) :=
match fuel with
| O => None
| S n =>
match interp_step h s with
| Some (h´, s´) => run n h´ s´
| None => Some (h, s)
why not None?
and we can verify our interpreter too
Lemma run_ok:
forall fuel h s h´ s´,
run fuel h s = Some (h´, s´) ->
exists n, step_n h s n h´ s´.
induction fuel; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct (interp_step h s) as [[foo bar]|] eqn:?.
+ apply IHfuel in H.
apply interp_step_ok in Heqo.
destruct H. exists (S x).
eapply step_n_left; eauto.
+ inversion H; subst.
exists O. constructor; auto.
TAH DAH! We have a verified interpreter!
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