CSE 505 - Functional Programming
Paul Hudak, John Peterson, and Joseph Fasel, "A Gentle Introduction to
Haskell 98". Hardcopy was distributed in class, or you can find it at
- For reference, the following book may be useful and is on reserve in
the Engineering Library: Simon Thompson, "Haskell: The Craft of Functional
Programming," Addison-Wesley, 1996. There is also lots of material on the
Haskell web site.
Haskell Examples
The file ~borning/haskell/lecture.hs on the instructional machines has a set of
examples I'll show in class.
You can also view the file on the web here:
lecture.hs file.
Lecture Notes
Running Haskell
We're using the hugs interpreter, a portable, light-weight implementation
of Haskell. It's installed on the instructional linux machines (ceylon,
fiji, sumatra, tahiti). The executable is in a standard place
(/usr/bin/hugs) so you shouldn't need to do anything with your search path
to find it.
Type :? for help; :quit or control-d exits. The man page for hugs lists other
commands and options.
Also, the file /usr/share/hugs/lib/Prelude.hs (the prelude) has lots of
useful examples of Haskell code.
If you want to run Haskell on your own machine instead, you can download
implementations of Hugs for any of the standard platforms from the
Hugs 98 web page.