This course is structured into a number of units which span 2-4 days. Each of these has specific outcomes and threads (like themes):
- Groundwork
- Data
- Critical Perspectives (theory)
- Facial Recognition
- Misinformation and Platforms
- The Society of Tech
- Participating in The Society of Tech
We will spend the majority of our time in conversation with one another. The format of the discussions will vary throughout the quarter, from large seminar style discussions to small group active learning activities.
The quality of the discussions as a whole will depend on individual students’ contributions and decorum. Hallmarks of such include asking clarifying questions, encouraging each other to speak, delivering summaries, and offering commentaries. Together we will use these to arrive at our desired learning outcomes while being mindful of the multiple and diverse experiences of all class participants. We ask students participate to the extent of their abilities, respect each other and review some tips on leading discussions.
In each class, we will:
- come prepared to discuss the day’s readings and assignments,
- occasionally review background material on the day’s themes,
- warm-up to participate in an active-learning environment,
- discuss, in various group sizes, those readings and assignments,
- synthesize those themes (often through group activities),
- and make personal the themes of the day through reflections (exit tickets).
We also expect our most vocal students to actively create space for others’ contributions by bringing in quieter voices to the discussions.
Relevant responses and political action
In addition to reading and assignments, each day has associated relevant responses. These responses are examples of how others have acted regarding technological systems before. They show students how participation comes in many forms—not just through code. Some of these forms include:
- appealing for accountability from organizational leadership,
- exercising discretion in ones choice of work,
- engaging with technological issues publicly,
- and engaging in direct action.
We encourage students to share their own examples of responses throughout the course.
Each week we expect students to complete the day’s readings and assignments. While the readings vary in their difficulty and length, we expect students will spend approximately two hours on a day’s readings, with considerable variance. You may find that shorter readings are denser and require more time than some of the longer, yet lighter, readings. If you fall behind, begin with the next set of readings which are due so you can participate in the day’s discussion. Our discussions and assignments are closely tied to the readings, so it is incumbent upon you to make your best effort in completing the readings.
If you are stuck on a reading, do not hesitate to reach our to the instructor. We also encourage you to discuss the readings with your classmates before class, if possible.
Assignments span each day (such as reading summaries, questions, and responses for each reading), entire units (such as the course project).
Daily assignments
Students will submit daily assignments through Canvas the day before class (except for our first meeting). We choose early due dates for assignments in the hopes that students do not stay up late completing them and in order to give ourselves enough time to prepare for class.
Daily assignments should demonstrate your attempts to understanding the readings. If not otherwise directed, students should submit a couple of paragraphs that summarize the work, raise or answer questions, connect the work to previous readings, critique the work, etc. Please attempt to limit your response to one page. We will not accept late assignments or those which do not make a good faith attempt at understanding the readings.
Questions may include clarifications of particular portions of the text, relationships between the reading and a current event, or an interrogation into the values and underlying premises on which the reading was based.
Longer assignments
During the term, students must also research and write about a technology or system for the course project.
This course will be graded credit or no credit. In order to receive credit, students must submit 17 of the 20 of the daily assignments, attend, and participate in, 16 of the 20 classes, receive a passing grade on the course project parts. That said, the point of this course is not a grade. Students should attend because of the readings and discussions—not in spite of them.
There is no required textbook for this class. All readings will be available on the home page of the course website—the majority of which will be either scans or online articles. While the course website may show the readings and assignments for the entire course, they are only finalized one week before they are due.
While we do not have a strict policy against the use of media devices (phones, tablets, computers, etc.), we strongly discourage their use. We have found that it is quite difficult to have a meaningful conversation with someone when one party is preoccupied with other media.
We welcome students from all backgrounds and adhere to the Allen School’s Inclusiveness Statement.
Many of the topics explored in this class are relevant because of their contentious and often unresolved nature. Students should bring an open mind and a desire to examine perspectives possibly different than their own. It is important that everyone be particularly respectful of each other’s positions.
Accommodation and Resources
Disability Accommodations
Embedded in the core values of the University of Washington is a commitment to ensuring access to a quality higher education experience for a diverse student population. Disability Resources for Students (DRS) recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity that is integral to society and to our campus community. DRS serves as a partner in fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all University of Washington students. The DRS office is in 011 Mary Gates Hall.
Please see the UW resources at
Religious Accommodations
It is the policy of the University of Washington to reasonably accommodate students’ religious observances in accordance with RCW 28B.137.010
Please see the UW resources at
Sexual Harassment
University policy prohibits all forms of sexual harassment. If you feel you have been a victim of sexual harassment or if you feel you have been discriminated against, you may speak with your instructor, teaching assistant, the chair of the department, or you can file a complaint with the UW Ombudsman’s Office for Sexual Harassment. Their office is located at 339 HUB, (206)543-6028. There is a second office, the University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office, who also investigate complaints. The UCIRO is located at 22 Gerberding Hall.
Please see additional resources at and
WISE: Women In Science and Engineering
Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) is a university-level program housed within the Center for Workforce Development, designed to increase the recruitment and retention of women of all ethnic backgrounds in science and engineering (S&E) and to create an academic and social climate at the UW which is conducive to both men and women in S&E at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Please see additional information at
Other Student Resources
A list of helpful links regarding all aspects of student life can be found here: Allen School specific resources can be found here:
We follow the Allen School’s policy for academic integrity and misconduct.