Homework 1

Read Sections 6.1-- 6.4, 6.7-6.8 in this book and Section 2.1 in these notes. Many more details on zero-sum games can be found in this book.

  1. Problem 3 on page II- 7 of these lecture notes by Tom Ferguson.
  2. Problem 4 on page II- 7 of these lecture notes by Tom Ferguson.
  3. Extra credit: Consider a 2-person zero-sum game defined by the n by n matrix A (where the entries represent the payoffs to the row player). Suppose that Aij = -Aji for all 1 &le i,j &le n. Show that the value of the game is 0.
  4. Extra credit: Read sections 2.2 -- 2.8 in these notes and provide feedback. By feedback, what I mean is (a) find typos, (b) find places where the exposition is unclear, (c) propose improved explanations, (d) point out what parts you could not understand and specifically where you got stuck. The better the feedback, the more extra credit.