Due: Friday, November 6th by 11pm


In the next three assignments, we will use a quantum simulator that accepts instructions in the Q# programming language. The goal of this first assignment is to learn about Q#, write your first programs, and try running the simulator. In later assignments, we will use Q# to investigate some of the more sophisticated algorithms covered in lecture.


To begin, read through this Q# introduction. It explains how you to set up the tools (either on your own machine or a CSE lab machine) and then walks you through some exercises to help you understand the Q# language and tools. If you have any questions about Q# or run into any problems installing or using the tools, please be sure to ask questions on the message board.

Once you have worked through Q# introduction, solve these problems.


For each problem, submit your code (.qs files) and a screenshot (.png or .jpg files) of the printed output of the program in Gradescope. Please name the files ProblemN.qs and ScreenshotN.png/jpg, where N is 1, 2, 3, or 4.