CSE 484 / CSE M 584: Computer Security (Spring 2018)
Our goal in this class is for you to learn about computer security. As an underlying principle, we will strive to be reasonable toward you, and we ask you to be reasonable toward us. These policies aim to give us some guidelines to make that happen.
If in doubt about anything, please don't hesitate to check with the course staff.
- Late Policy: You may use 3 free late days over the course of the quarter, no questions asked. You can allocate these days as you wish (e.g., submit 3 assignments one day late each, or 1 assignment three days late). After those 3 days, if you hand in the assignment late, we will take off 20% for each day it is late. When computing the number of days late, we will round up; so an assignment turned in 25 hours late will be downgraded 40%. Exceptions: In-class activities will not be accepted late (but we will give you 5 "freebies" for in-class activities, separate from the 3 free late days described above); final projects (the last due date on June 4, not the checkpoints) will not be accepted late. We will not consider granting Incompletes.
- Cheating and Intellectual Honesty: You will only learn effectively if you complete the intellectual work of this course. We believe that you will not cheat, but we also require that you do not cheat. Intellectual honesty violations are very serious. Concern about cheating creates an unpleasant environment for everyone. If you cheat, you risk losing your position as a student in the department and the college. The department's policy on cheating is to report any cases to the college cheating committee. What follows afterwards is not fun for anyone. If you feel inclined to cheat because you are anxious, overwhelmed, overburdened, or out of time, please talk to me and we'll figure out how you can succeed.
- Collaboration: You are encouraged to discuss material and assignments with others, as collaboration is a great way to learn and flesh out new ideas. But how do you draw the line between collaboration and cheating? We require that you submit your own assignments (unless otherwise specified) and that you are doing the intellectual work of the course yourself. Make sure that after discussing material with others, you're able to solve the problems, write the code, or understand the principles on your own. Often the best way to do this is to take a little bit of time after talking with others, then do the problems on your own, ensuring that you understand them.
- Ethics Form: To receive a non-zero grade in the course, you must sign the security and privacy course ethics form by 11:59pm on April 4, 2018. Late forms will not be accepted. The form is available online at https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/kohno/351757.
Class Mailing List: The class mailing list is cse484a_sp18@uw.edu. We will use this list to make official class-related announcements.
We will assume that all students in the class will be on this list, and furthermore, we will assume that everybody will be checking their mail regularly (at least once a day, during the week). It is conceivable that we will use the mailing list to announce assignments, or to make changes/fixes to assignments.
Subscribing to the Mailing List: If you're enrolled in CSE 484 or CSE M 584, then your @u.washington.edu email address should be automatically subscribed. If you just enrolled, you may have to wait a day before the system is automatically updated. You can verify your enrollment or join the mailing list by going to this page: https://mailman1.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/cse484a_sp18.
Mailing List Archives: All email sent to the class list is archived here: https://mailman1.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/cse484a_sp18.
Reaching Course Staff: To reach all course staff, please email cse484-tas@cs.washington.edu. We will do our best to respond quickly, but please give us up to 24 hours to respond to your message. In particular, if you email us right before an assignment is due, particularly on a Friday afternoon, be aware that we will do our best but may not respond in time.
You may also submit anonymous feedback to the instructor or to the whole course staff by using the anonymous feedback form.
Discussion Board: For discussions related to the class, please use this Google Group.
CSE 484
- 25% Homeworks
- 45% Labs
- 10% Participation and in-class activities
- 20% Final project
CSE M 584
- 22% Homeworks
- 42% Labs
- 10% Participation and in-class activities
- 16% Final project
- 10% Research readings
You can check your grades here: TBD