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Lo-Fi Prototype Spec (group)

Note: This is a means to support in-class critique and discussion. You will report on this in more detph to your mentors as part of your design spec the following week. Because this is a formative stage of your design proposal, we are primarily focusing on participation here (we will also assess experiment inclusiveness).

Learning Goals for this assignment (competencies)

Submission requirements for this assignment

  • A very short report on your low-fidelity prototype.
  • Your contribution statement (same as Client Engagement Spec). Please note that we will not grade submissions where this statement is missing.

Make your protoytpe

Produce a low-fidelity prototype that allows you to experiment with clients. It doesn’t have to work yet, but you need to be able to make your clients believe that it is working, and whatever you do needs to be accessible to them. Your prototype must be accessible to your clients, and this may impact your prototyping strategy. Consult the reading on Accessible Lo Fi Testing for ideas.

Plan for testing your prototype

Consider your goals for testing. For example, how you will test (1) the accessibility and (2) the functionality of your prototype. What do you want to learn/measure in both categories (that is feasible with this testing method?)

Consider how you will make the test accessible and inclusive (following the Inclusive Experiments rubric)

  • Identify any ethical issues: Are there any risks of safety, privacy, or other concerns regarding these activities?
  • How will the access needs of each person be met? Include communication, materials, space, and time in your answer to this question.
  • Identify and address concerns regarding power dynamics, safety, ableism, racism, or anything else that might affect inclusive participation.

Create your poster summarizing

  1. Description of your low-fidelity prototype (1 paragraph)
  • What are the activities your prototype supports?
  • What are the parts that are ‘wizardry’? (what parts are you ‘faking’ for now but that will later be implemented)
  • How did you make the prototype accessible?
  1. Pictures of the prototype that shows how people can interact with it
  2. Describe your Wizard of Oz plan
  • What are your goals with this wizard of oz session: what did you want to learn and measure?
  1. How will your experiment be inclusive and accessible (Graded on Inclusive Experiments)