Client Engagement Report (Group)
Note: This is a means to support in-class critique and discussion. You will report on this in more detph to your mentors as part of your design proposal the following week. Because this is a formative stage of your design proposal, we are primarily focusing on participation here (we will also assess accessible communication on your consent form).
- Participation, Effort and Teamwork
- Design/Disability Justice
Submission Instructions
- Your findings on a poster in landscape format. We will share it during class for critique.
- Your contribution statement (same as Client Engagement Spec). Please note that we will not grade submissions where this statement is missing.
Client Recruitment
Most projects will have identified clients that you can meet with. However, clients are busy people and you must contact them early and be flexible in scheduling time with them. If you are having trouble reaching a client, or don’t have a contact, reach out to us on Ed for support in deciding how and whom to recruit.
Client Meeting
Your client meeting should start with informed consent, and then apply the AEIOU framework.
Informed consent
Discuss informed consent with them and go over your consent form
Decide on questions you can use to apply the AEIOU framework in your discussion, based on the activities selected in the Client Engagement Spec assignment.
- Activities
- Will you ask your clients to demonstrate them or talk about them?
- How, if at all, are clients’ racial or other identities harmed, or supported, during these activities?
- Environments
- Where do the activities take place? How will you ask about this?
- What structural forces, or assumptions, are at play regarding client race, gender and/or disability status?
- Interactions
- Who or what does the client interact with when accomplishing the activities? What is a typical sequence of interactions?
- What biases or assumptions might impact the client during these interactions?
- Objects
- What objects do they use and how?
- Are any of them accessibility tools?
- How are cultural identity, gender identity, and disability identity represented in these objects, if at all?
- Users
- Who are the stakeholders that clients interact with when accomplishing the activity?
- What sort of power differentials exist in these interactions?
- Based on your client engagement, reflect on the questions provided in the Design/Disability Justice rubric.
- How did your client engagement change your perspective on these principals changed since you wrote your slides for the Client Engagement Spec?
- In addition, work as a group to identify design challenges and opportunities that you might be able to build on for the rest of the quarter.
Develop a poster summarizing the results of your client engagement meeting:
- Briefly explain what method you used to collect your data.
- Briefly explain how you addressed accessibility during your client engagement
- What did you learn by using the AEIOU framework? You can use text, quotes, photos, diagrams, etc. to convey your findings
- What did you learn from reflecting on the Design/Disability Justice? How did your client data inform this?
- What are some design challenges and opportunities you identified?