AR/VR Capstone Demo Day

Tuesday, June 9th 2020

Welcome to Demo Day for the Spring 2020 Augmented/Virtual Reality Capstone at UW CSE!  Our students will present the AR/VR/MR apps they developed over this past quarter.

 Team Projects & Videos   |   Event Schedule   |   Flyer


Time (PST) Event Description Location
4:20pm Group Presentation Live YouTube presentation from all 8 projects. Open to everyone!
5:00pm Private Q&A for Industry Private Zoom sessions for Industry Affiliates to meet the teams Invitation Only
5:30pm Public Demos Public Zoom sessions for in-depth demonstrations from the teams. The public can move freely between groups. Presentations restart every 15 mins until 7:00pm. Links Below
5:45pm Public Demos 2nd Round of Public Presentations Links Below
6:00pm Public Demos 3rd Round of Public Presentations Links Below
6:15pm Public Demos 4th Round of Public Presentations Links Below
6:30pm Public Demos 5th Round of Public Presentations Links Below
6:45pm Public Demos Final Round of Public Presentations Links Below
7:00pm End of Event Thank you for coming!


Project Name

1 Minute Preview (YouTube)

Project Description

Zoom Link (5:30-7:00pm)

Blockly Blockly aims to teach computer programming via a gamified setting with hand tracking in virtual reality
MR Fitness Catch balls, dodge obstacles, and burn calories in one of a kind Magic Leap application
Vacc Inc. An immersive experience of the highest level of biosafety precautions. Virtually visit where vaccines are developed, targeting COVID-19
Mind Your Touch A mixed-reality app that tracks and identifies surfaces touched by contaminated hands.
Hands on Deck Hands on Deck is a multiplayer VR sailing experience to deliver COVID-19 supplies to remote islands.
Chefing An AR experience that guides the user through recipe instructions and tutorials. We developed our project with the Magic Leap headset.
Dazzle! (UW Reality Studio) Dazzle! is a narrative virtual reality experience that lets you play as Dazzle the Juggling Clown while he is undergoing an intense interrogation. You must play through your memories in order to piece together what happened. It is up to you to determine whether you are guilty or innocent.
Ninja! Ninja! is a game that will let Make-A-Wish Kid Christopher experience what it's like to be a real ninja through a fully realized game where he completes a mission while fighting monsters!


Brought to you by UW CSE and the UW Reality Lab