
Milestone 1 (May 4) :

Look into the possible sensors that are available and what platform to best utilize these sensors. Additional details on milestone 1 results are under project details.

    • Develop code to collect wireless signals
    • Develop code to collect bluetooth signals
    • Develop code to utilize camera inputs
    • Develop code to utilize accelerometer data

Milestone 2 (May 25) :

Preparation of a full-scale demo utilizing Wi-Fi signals gathered from a phone to the HomeOS system and having the HomeOS system changing the video displayed between computers using DLNA switching.

    • Port the wireless fingerprint and snapshot collector code to work with HomeOS
    • Handle communication between the phone and HomeOS through socket connections
    • Write the DLNA switching codes to change video streaming between different monitors

Final Demo (June 9):

Fix up and issues from previous demo, collect fingerprints from the demo site and create a poster for the group.