Instructor: Brian Hou (bhou at cs)
TA: Zoey Chen (qiuyuc at cs)
TA: Kay Ke (kayke at cs)
TA: Mohit Shridhar (mshr at cs)
TA: Nick Walker (nswalker at cs)
Lecture: MWF 1:30 - 2:30pm, Zoom (link on Canvas)
Office Hours: MWF 2:30 - 3:30pm (Brian), M 5:00-6:00pm (TAs), Th 1:30 - 3:30pm (TAs)
CSE 478 is a project- and discussion-based introduction to robotics. Autonomous vehicles will be used as a running example to introduce the algorithmic building blocks of robotics, and students may use the MuSHR rally car platform to gain hands-on experience. Students will reflect on the human and social impact of autonomy by reading and responding to essays, research papers, book chapters, and other relevant material.
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
This schedule is tentative and subject to change.
March 29 | Intro to Robotics | |
March 31 | Uber Accident Report (National Transportation Safety Board) | |
April 2 | Do Artifacts Have Politics? (Langdon Winner) | |
April 5 | Moral Crumple Zones: Cautionary Tales in Human-Robot Interaction (Madeleine Clare Elish) | |
April 7 | Intro to State Estimation | |
April 9 | Probabilistic Motion and Sensor Models | Project 1: Introduction |
April 12 | Particle Filtering | |
April 14 | Kalman Filtering | |
April 16 | No Lecture: MuSHR Lab Safety Training | |
April 19 | Intro to Feedback Control | |
April 21 | PID Control | |
April 23 | Guest Lecture: Robotics and the Law (Ryan Calo) | |
April 26 | Pure Pursuit and Model-Predictive Control | Project 2: Localization |
April 28 | Linear Quadratic Regulator | |
April 30 | Robot Rights? Let’s Talk about Human Welfare Instead (Abeba Birhane) | |
May 3 | Intro to Planning | |
May 5 | Heuristic Search | |
May 7 | Guest Lecture: Jobs and Automation (Naveena Karusala) | |
May 10 | Sampling-Based Motion Planning | |
May 12 | Lazy Search and Planning for Vehicles | |
May 14 | Robots in Society, Society in Robots (Selma Šabanović) | Project 3: Control |
May 17 | Anatomy of an AI System (Kate Crawford, Vladan Joler) | |
May 19 | Guest Lecture: Agricultural Robotics (Vivek Nayak) | |
May 21 | Reinforcement Learning | |
May 24 | Guest Lecture: Imitation Learning (Kay Ke) | |
May 26 | Guest Lecture: Motion Planning at Waymo for Autonomously Driven Vehicles (Michael Koval) | |
May 28 | Toward a Critical Technical Practice: Lessons Learned in Trying to Reform AI (Philip E. Agre) | |
May 31 | Holiday: Memorial Day | Project 4: Planning |
June 2 | Guest Lecture: Why Is Driving With Humans Hard? (Sanjiban Choudhury) | |
June 4 | Conclusion |
We thank past instructors Sanjiban Choudhury and Chris Mavrogiannis for sharing their course materials and insight, as well as the MuSHR team for their software and hardware assistance.