Status (4/27/2001)

(April 27, 2001)

Our first Friday update.

First, of the most importance to the visitor of this site, our page has had a face lift. Basically, Daniel had a little fun with the internet at around 1 am Thursday after working hard on some other projects. The long and the short of it is that we have a better site, although there are still a few things that we need to add.

As to the actual project this week, most of our time has been spent on Preliminary Design Package related work. During the past seven days, we have written our 33 page preliminary design package, prepared a presentation on it, prepared a review of another group's project and performed a major rewrite of our design package. That was a lot of work and, not surprisingly, we haven't managed to get much work done on the actual project. However, we did manage to start working on the XSV300 code, Brent has got the sonar rangefinder up and running and gathered materials for building the array, and Curtis has been working on the YUV2RGB conversion problem.

Our goals for the coming week are as follows;

We wants to get an image out to the monitor from the video camera. We don't care at this point if its a clean image, we just want to get one out.

We will build at least one of the arrays. He will then move on to either the accelerometer or the 8051 array.

We will work on building the user interface. The first step is parsing the keyboard input correctly and setting the outputs. We will then integrate the RC controller with the XSV board.

We will need to gather as many of our basic materials this week as we can. This means that we need to obtain one of the Virtual Wireless Kits, 10 transistors, 3 more sonars, 3 more atmels, and a couple of breadboards for mounting all of them.

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