

Assignments for this course are comprised of written homeworks (6) and programming projects (4). Homeworks and projects are weighted equally for the final grade, and are intended to be completed independently. These assignments are graded on correctness. Most lectures will include practice or discussion problems which review the material and recieve credit upon submission. In addition to this work there will be assigned reading, which is not evaluated but will enhance student mastery of the subject.

There are no traditional exams offered in this course.

Late Policy

Each of the Homeworks and Projects may be handed in up to 2 days late penalty-free. After that there is a 20% deduction for every additional day. This means that Homeworks and Projects may be handed in up to 7 days late for some partial credit. Students will benefit from handing in homework on time; previous experience shows that students who rely heavily on using late days struggle more as the course goes on, however, this late policy should provide flexibility for typical life disruptions.(Pay attention to the due time as well as the due date.)

Practice problems are due by the beginning of the subsequent lecture, and no late submissions are permitted. In other words, the practice problem for lecture 2 is due Friday morning, and the practice problem for lecture 3 is due Monday morning.

Grading Policy

Each Homework and Project will be graded based on correctness, and awarded a number of points. More challenging assignments will have a high maximum point value. Autograders will evaluate correctness (although manual review is possible). A late penalty will be applied to the final score if necessary L = .2 * (days_late - 2). The total subscore for Homeworks or Projects will be the percent possible points earned in that category.

Practice problems will be assigned a grade of 0 (not complete) or 1 (complete). No late submissions are possible, so no penalty is applied. The total subscore will be PP = 10 * #complete / #possible

The final percentage grade for the course will be (.5*HW_earned + .5*PR_earned + PP) / (100 + PP), such that completion of many practice problems will decrease the weights of the Homeworks and Projects. This percentage is converted to a 4.0 score with a linear scaling.

Academic Integrity

This course follows University and CSE guidelines for academic integrity. Any attempt to misrepresent the work you submit will be dealt with via the appropriate University mechanisms, and your instructor will make every attempt to ensure the harshest allowable penalty. The guidelines for this course and more information about academic integrity are in a separate document (CSE misconduct). You are responsible for knowing the information in that document. Please notice that you should not, in any situation, borrow another person's code or provide yours to a fellow student, including students in other quarters of this course. You also will refrain from sharing problem sets and answers with students from other quarters, and following assignment guidelines on group work.

In some cases (practice and discussion problems), students are encouraged to work together. Students are also allowed to discuss other assignments or study together. However, it is abslutely not ok to copy text, code, or other material directly. Students should be able to answer oral questions about their work at any time. If you find yourself in doubt about your solution, please ask staff for help on the topic.

If a student is found to have cheated on an assignment they will receive a zero on that assignment.

Turning In

Most assignments for this course will be submitted to Gradescope. Please verify that you can access and interact with Gradescope now. Most assignments have autograders which will verify submission and provide some feedback about performance. Assignments may be submitted more than once, up until the due date.

For Homework assignments students are asked to tag their assignments. If this is not done a penalty of .25 points will be taken. For more information on this process, see this video. Written assignments may be submitted as edited documents, or hand-written and scanned documents.


This course assigns regular reading through the quarter. Most of the assigned reading is from the Russel & Norvig book. The reading will be helpful in providing more detail, creating context, as additional clarification to lecture material, and is highly recommended. It is not, however, directly evaluated. Reading associated with each lecture may be found on the course calendar.

Practice Problems

Practice problems will mostly be available via Gradescope, but some discussion problems may be submitted via PollEverywhere. Practice problems will be autograded, and explanations for the solutions will be available after the grading. Students are encouraged to hand in as many of these assignments as possible, and grading rewards submission. Practice problem sets will refer to the lecture of the day, and the Russell and Norvig text book will be a good resource for specific issues. Some additional discussion problems will be available for class participation during lecture and then via PollEverywhere and will recieve credit in the practice problem set.


For homeworks you can download the pdf, and either edit directly on the pdf, or print it out and write on your file. You'll turn it in by submitting to gradescope. When you submit your file either choose your edited pdf, or scan your handwritten answer and submit it as a pdf. Your phone likely can scan files with your camera app.

  1. Homework 1
  2. Homework 2
  3. Homework 3
  4. Homework 4
  5. Homework 5


  1. Warm-up,,
  2. Search
  3. Multi-agent
  4. Q-learning
  5. Particle Filters
  6. ML