Partners work together on this part
You will research and design a new instrument model, based on the waveguide model we have previously implemented. Your model should output multiple voices, playing in stereo, capable of playing from A1, 55.00 Hz to A6, 1760.00 Hz..
Some possible models are:
You should look at these lecture notes for information on models.
I have five copies of the Perry Cook book that you may borrow. This is probably the best place to start.
In addition, here are some web references:
Synthesis Toolkit by Perry Cook the latest C code is here
Julius Smith on Waveguides everything you ever wanted to know...
Pay attention to Cook's Chapter 14 on "Exciting and Controlling Sound Models". Your model should clearly demonstrate the appropriate excitation function.
You should demonstrate your model by driving it from the Microblaze with a short melodic sequence. If you can't invent one, then try some MIDI here.
You may use our solution as your starting point, or use your own solution to Lab 7.
You must:
Complete archived project, with:
The archived project is due by
Grading: You will be graded on:
nPart 2-- Write a report on what you did and why you did it.
In addition to getting the final project to work and demonstrating its functionality and implementation to the instructors, you will need to submit a project report.
The project report will need to be about 3-5 pages and must be done individually, not in pairs.
must follow this general format: