High Level Description
We will be controlling an array of strands of
Christmas lights using the cerfboard. The
order, combination and speed at which the lights come on and go off will be
specifiable via a defined protocol.
Minimum Functionality
- At
the minimum 5 basic lighting combination sequences (blink, forward only,
forward and backward, random, etc.)
- Each
sequence can be combined with a specified speed to make the lights blink
faster or slower
- A
method for making a new building block will be provided
- A
way to combine the building blocks into a larger set of sequences will be
- A
protocol will be defined for the above functionality
- The
lighting changes will be interrupt driven
Bells and Whistles (Possible additions)
- Commands
will be received via the serial port
- Sound
output in combination with lighting sequences
- A UI
for easy sequence and combination specifications can be provided
- A
more complex and robust scripting language can be provided
- Changes
in the lights based on sonar readings i.e. The blink faster or go from
yellow to orange to red as someone walks closer, similar to the game “hot
and cold”
Risks for our project include:
Protocol becoming too complex too quickly
Shortage on supplies (Cerfboards, etc.)
Memory shortage from saved modes
First week:
Define protocol and get lights to blink on and off.
Second week:
Allow for speed definition and creation of new building blocks.
Third Week:
Implement protocol for making and playing a combination of modes. Add any
bells and whistles.
Resources and/or Advice needed
Resources needed include a
cerfboard, Christmas lights, and a sonar device. Advice helpful includes protocol design issues.