CSE 461: Introduction to Computer Communication Networks, Autumn 2023
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Lectures (CSE2 G01): MWF 12:30-01:20
Section AA (Mechanical Engineering Building 242): TH 01:30-02:20
Section AB (Mechanical Engineering Building 242): TH 02:30-03:20
Section AC (Mechanical Engineering Building 242): TH 03:30-04:20

Who Office Hours
Shyam Gollakota, Professor
gshyam at cs.washington.edu

Monday 1:30pm

Mohan Kukreja, TA
mk44633 at cs.washington.edu
Friday 11:00am - 12:00pm Zoom Link

Tuochao Chen, TA
tuochao at cs.washington.edu
Thursday 12:30-1:30 pm, CSE1, 315

Armin Magness, TA
ajm1 at cs.washington.edu
Wednesday 11:30am-12:30pm, CSE2, 121

Andrew D Tjahjadi, TA
adt04 at cs.washington.edu
Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00pm Zoom Link

Effie Zheng, TA
zhengef at cs.washington.edu
Monday 1:30 - 2:30 pm Zoom Link

Textbooks Computer Networks (6E 19), Peterson [Online Book]
Computer Networks (5th Edition), Andrew Tanenbaum, David Wetherall

Staff mailing list The staff email is cse461-staff at cs.washington.edu

Class mailing list The class email is cse461a_au23@u.washington.edu. It's updated nightly from the official registration list, and uses your u.wash email address.


The midterm will be held during class on November 6.

Practice Midterm

Final term.

Practice Finalterm

Note that homeworks and projects run concurrently and are due at 11 pm on the due date.

Assignment Release Date Due Date
Assignment 1 10/11 10/18
Project 1 10/06 10/25
Assignment 2 10/21 10/27
Project 2 10/27 11/22
Assignment 3 11/8 11/15
Assignment 4 11/15 11/22
Project 3 11/24 12/14
Assignment 5 11/29 12/7

Lecture Slides

Course Introduction

Network Components and Protocols

Physical Layer

Link Layer

Network Layer


Transport Layer

Application Layer

Quality of Service

Section Slides

No section for the first week of class (9/28/2023)

Section 1: Sockets and Traceroute

Section 2: Intro to Wireshark and HW2

Section 3: Extra OH

Section 4: Intro to Mininet

Section 5: Midterm Review

Section 6: Mininet II and HW3

Section 7: Interdomain Routing, BGP

Section 8: Project-3

Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 fax