CSE 461: Introduction to Computer Communication Networks, Autumn 2012
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    Project 5: Downloads

The available source files are listed below. Included is a very short description of what each does; longer descriptions are elsewhere in the project writeup pages.

I also note in which Eclipse project I have the file. Your Eclipse project organization may well be different, but this should help you integrate the code into your projects. Also, remember that it's very unlikely you simply drop this code in and it runs. You may have to change the project statement, for instance. You may have to modify your Eclipse build path. You might have to make some small changes to convert from the interface my current OS is using to the one you have; any needed changes should be apparent, but post on the forum if you end up spending more than a few minutes on this.

FileDescriptionEclipse Project
SNetController.java The main (and system independent) code file implementing SNet. (Replaces the very small skeleton file from the original distribution.) SNet
SNetDB461.java Provides the interface to the record-based files, as described on the SNetDB461 page. SNet
SNet.java The SNet driver code for the console environment. ConsoleApps

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