package edu.uw.cs.cse461.SNet; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import edu.uw.cs.cse461.DB461.DB461SQLite; import edu.uw.cs.cse461.Net.DDNS.DDNSFullName; import edu.uw.cs.cse461.util.Log; /** * Abstracts the underlying sqlite database into a set of easy-to-use methods. *

* ONLY THE THREAD THAT OPENS AN SQLITE4JAVA DATABASE CAN OPERATE ON IT. * This means you should not cache a PhotoManager. Instead, create one * one entry to your code, use it while that thread executes, and then discard * it before returning. *

* The db has two tables: *

  1. Community * *


  2. Photos * *

* @author zahorjan * */ public class SNetDB461 extends DB461SQLite { private static final String TAG="SNetDB461"; private final String mDBFilename; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Community table and record types private static String[] communityFields[] = { {"name", "TEXT"}, {"generation", "INTEGER"}, {"myhash", "INTEGER"}, {"chosenhash", "INTEGER"}, {"isfriend", "BOOLEAN"} }; public class CommunityTable extends DB461Table { public CommunityTable() { super("community", communityFields, "name" ); } @Override public CommunityRecord createRecord() { return new CommunityRecord(); } @Override public RecordSet createRecordSet() { return new RecordSet(); } /** * Ensures that the DB contains the given record for the friend it names. * Creates it if no record for that friend currently exists; updates the existing * record otherwise. DOES NOT alter photo table in any way. * @param record * @throws DB461Exception */ public void write(CommunityRecord record) throws DB461Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ") .append(name()) .append(" VALUES('") .append( .append("',") .append(record.generation) .append(",") .append(record.myPhotoHash) .append(",") .append(record.chosenPhotoHash) .append(",") .append(record.isFriend?1:0) .append(")"); query(sb.toString()); } } public CommunityTable COMMUNITYTABLE; /** * One community record. *

* Fields: *

* @author zahorjan * */ public class CommunityRecord extends Record implements Comparable { public DDNSFullName name; public int generation; public int myPhotoHash; public int chosenPhotoHash; public boolean isFriend; @Override protected CommunityRecord initialize(DBRecordIterator it) throws DB461Exception { try { String dbName = it.getString(0); if ( dbName.equals("null") ) name = null; else name = new DDNSFullName(dbName); generation = it.getInt(1); myPhotoHash = it.getInt(2); chosenPhotoHash = it.getInt(3); isFriend = it.getInt(4)==0 ? false : true; } catch (Exception e) { } return this; } @Override public String toString() { final String SEP = " "; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"); Date genDate = new Date(generation * 1000L); String genDateString = sdf.format(genDate); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[") .append(SEP).append("Name: '").append(name.toString()).append("'") .append(SEP).append("Generation: ").append(generation).append(" (").append(genDateString).append(")") .append(SEP).append("MyPhotoHash: ").append(myPhotoHash) .append(SEP).append("ChosenPhotoHash: ").append(chosenPhotoHash) .append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Compares based on String names. * @param other * @return */ @Override public int compareTo(CommunityRecord other ) { if ( other == null ) return 1; int result = name.compareTo( ); return result; } } // Community table and record types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Photo table and record types private static String[] photoFields[] = { {"hash", "INTEGER"}, {"refcount", "INTEGER"}, {"photofile", "TEXT"}, }; public class PhotoTable extends DB461Table { public PhotoTable() { super("photos", photoFields, "hash"); } @Override public PhotoRecord createRecord() { return new PhotoRecord(); } @Override public RecordSet createRecordSet() { return new RecordSet(); } /** * Inserts a photo into the DB. Normally, the photo should not already be in the DB. * If it is, this method silently replaces it. * The reference count of the photo is set to 1. * @param hash * @param photo * @throws DB461Exception */ @Override public void write(PhotoRecord record) throws DB461Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + name() + "(hash, refcount, photofile) VALUES(") .append(record.hash) .append(",") .append(record.refCount) .append(",'") .append(record.file!=null?record.file.getAbsolutePath():null) .append("')"); query(sb.toString()); } } public PhotoTable PHOTOTABLE; /** * One photo record. *

* Fields: *

  • hash - The md5 hash of the photo. *
  • refCount - Current reference count value for the record. *
  • photo - The photo, as a byte[] *
* @author zahorjan * */ public class PhotoRecord extends Record { public int hash; public int refCount; public File file; @Override protected PhotoRecord initialize(DBRecordIterator it) throws DB461Exception { try { hash = it.getInt(0); refCount = it.getInt(1); String fullPath = it.getString(2); if ( fullPath.equals("null")) file = null; else file = new File(fullPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DB461Exception( "photo record initialization caught exception: " + e.getMessage() ); } return this; } @Override public String toString() { final String SEP = " "; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[") .append(SEP).append("Hash: ").append(hash) .append(SEP).append("RefCount: ").append(refCount) .append(SEP).append("Filename: ").append(file) .append("]"); return sb.toString(); } } // Photo table and record definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Photo class /** * Utility class that wraps a photo file and provides handy functionality. * @author zahorjan * */ static public class Photo { private int mHash; // the hash value of the file's contents private File mPhotoFile; // handle to the file /** * Wraps a photo file. If the source file isn't in our own gallery, creates a * copy there. * @param photoFile * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public Photo(File photoFile) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { mPhotoFile = photoFile; mHash = _computeHash(mPhotoFile); } /** * You might sometimes know the hash and not want to recompute it just to create a Photo object. * @param hash * @param file */ public Photo(int hash, File file) { mHash = hash; mPhotoFile = new File(file.getAbsolutePath()); } public int hash() { return mHash; } public File file() { return mPhotoFile; } /** * Set hash based on contents in file named by the Photo object. * @param photo */ private static int _computeHash(File photoFile) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { final int BUFLEN = 4096; byte buffer[] = new byte[BUFLEN]; int read; FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(photoFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); while ( (read = >= 0 ) { if ( read > 0 ) { md.update(buffer, 0, read); } else Log.w(TAG, "_setHash read 0 bytes"); } return ByteBuffer.wrap(md.digest()).getInt(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { System.err.println("_computeHash: no such algorithm: MD5"); } finally { if ( in != null ) in.close(); } return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "[Hash: " + String.format("%0x", hash()) + " File: " + mPhotoFile + " Length: " + mPhotoFile.length() + "]"; } } // Photo class //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * If the database doesn't already exist, creates it and creates the two tables it uses. * (No content is added to the tables.) Otherwise, opens the existing database. * @throws DB461Exception */ public SNetDB461(String dbFilename) throws DB461Exception { super(dbFilename); mDBFilename = dbFilename; Log.d(TAG, "dbFilename = " + dbFilename); PHOTOTABLE = new PhotoTable(); addTable(PHOTOTABLE); COMMUNITYTABLE = new CommunityTable(); addTable(COMMUNITYTABLE); try { openOrCreateDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Couldn't open or create db: " + e.getMessage(); Log.e(TAG, msg); throw new DB461Exception(msg); } } public String dbFilename() { return mDBFilename; } /** * Because of Java restrictions on nested classes, this record has be created by an SNetDB461 object. * @return */ public CommunityRecord createCommunityRecord() { return new CommunityRecord(); } /** * Because of Java restrictions on nested classes, this record has be created by an SNetDB461 object. * @return */ public PhotoRecord createPhotoRecord() { return new PhotoRecord(); } /** * When you're done using an SNetDB461, it's good practice to call discard(). */ public void discard() { close(); } /** * Called only to make sure that the a member is registered. If s/he already is, * has no effect. Otherwise, creates a record for the user initialized to * indicate no information is available. *

* This is not intended to supplant write()! It's here only because you should * make sure the root and the local host are both members every time you start the * app (since the DB might not exist - e.g., the first run). * @param user */ public void registerMember(DDNSFullName member) throws DB461Exception { CommunityRecord r = COMMUNITYTABLE.readOne(member.toString()); if ( r != null ) return; r = COMMUNITYTABLE.createRecord(); = member; r.generation = -1; r.myPhotoHash = 0; // 0 is used to indicate no photo. What are the odds some photo will hash to 0? r.chosenPhotoHash = 0; COMMUNITYTABLE.write(r); } /** * Checks db for consistency violations and tries to fix them. * Consistency requirements: *

  • Every photo hash in community table should have a photo table entry *
  • Ref count should be correct *
  • If a photo table entry has a file name, the file should exist, and file's hash should correspond to the photo record key *
  • If a file is in the gallery directory, it should be referenced by some photo record *
*/ public void checkAndFixDB(File galleryDir) throws DB461Exception { HashMap photoRefCntMap = new HashMap(); HashSet referencedPhotoFileSet = new HashSet(); // Collect info on refs to photos RecordSet friendVec = COMMUNITYTABLE.readAll(); for ( CommunityRecord r : friendVec ) { if ( r.myPhotoHash != 0 ) photoRefCntMap.put(r.myPhotoHash, 0); if ( r.chosenPhotoHash != 0 ) photoRefCntMap.put(r.chosenPhotoHash, 0); } for ( CommunityRecord r : friendVec ) { if ( r.myPhotoHash != 0 ) photoRefCntMap.put(r.myPhotoHash, photoRefCntMap.get(r.myPhotoHash)+1 ); if ( r.chosenPhotoHash != 0 ) photoRefCntMap.put(r.chosenPhotoHash, photoRefCntMap.get(r.chosenPhotoHash)+1 ); } // Now compare with photos table entries RecordSet photoVec = PHOTOTABLE.readAll(); for ( PhotoRecord r : photoVec ) { if ( r.file != null ) referencedPhotoFileSet.add(r.file); Integer dbRefCnt = photoRefCntMap.get(r.hash); if ( dbRefCnt == null ) { Log.e(TAG, "Entry " + r.hash + " in photo table not referenced by any community records. Deleting."); PHOTOTABLE.delete(r.hash); continue; } if ( r.refCount != dbRefCnt ) { Log.e(TAG, "Entry " + r.hash + " has ref cnt " + r.refCount + " in photo table but actual cnt is " + dbRefCnt + ". Fixing."); r.refCount = dbRefCnt; PHOTOTABLE.write(r); } if ( r.file!=null && !r.file.exists() ) { Log.e(TAG, "Entry for photo " + r.hash + " references file " + r.file.getAbsolutePath() + " but that file doesn't exist. Fixing."); r.file = null; PHOTOTABLE.write(r); continue; } Photo photo = null; try { photo = new Photo(r.file); if ( r.hash != photo.mHash ) { Log.e(TAG, "Entry for photo " + r.hash + " references file " + r.file + " but that file has hash " + photo.mHash + ". Fixing."); throw new DB461Exception("delete exception"); } } catch (Exception e) { // if we can't compute the hash, the file isn't there PHOTOTABLE.delete(r.hash); for ( CommunityRecord c : friendVec ) { if ( c.myPhotoHash == r.hash ) c.myPhotoHash = 0; if ( c.chosenPhotoHash == r.hash ) c.chosenPhotoHash = 0; COMMUNITYTABLE.write(c); } } } // Delete files in gallery directory that don't appear in any record if ( galleryDir == null ) { Log.w(TAG, "Gallery directory arg is null. Skipping check for superfluous files."); return; } File[] fileList = galleryDir.listFiles(); if ( fileList == null ) return; for ( File file : fileList ) { if ( !file.isFile() ) continue; //String absPath = file.getAbsolutePath(); if ( referencedPhotoFileSet.contains(file) ) continue; Log.w(TAG, "There are no references to gallery file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ". Deleting file."); file.delete(); } } }