CSE 459 - PreProduction


PROJECT 3: BASIC ANIMATION            home  previous

Assigned: 3a: Jan 18, 3b: Jan 25

Due: 3a: Feb 1, 3b: Feb 15

Turnin: -Walk and Jumps: Playblasts of Side,  Front, and Perspective views (Persp. optional)

            -Lip Sync: Playblast with a camera that best illustrates the character’s motion

            -name each file clearly and put them in this folder:

              \\preproduction\student_data\cse459_wi05\_Project_Turnin\Project_3a[or b]\                      Firstname_Lastinitial

These set of exercises go through step-by-step the process of animation.  As you progress through these tutorials, they will become less and less detailed as it will be assumed that you started with the first tutorial and worked your way to the end.

If you are unfamiliar with the term of "setting keys" or you need a refresher course, it is recommended that you go through number 1 and 2. 


Project 3a

Do 1 and 2 only if you aren’t familiar with key-framing and fixing curves in the graph editor

1.      A|W tutorial on setting keys [ #5 – Animation ]

2.      function curves tutorial

3.      a basic walk

4.      2 jumps with feet together (symmetrical)

Project 3b

5.      a jump with feet apart (assymmetrical)

6.      a lipsync using Earl or a fish

Lip Sync Details
Download Earl here.
The audio for your lip sync will be your very own voice.... One of your TA’s 
 will show you how to record your voice for the project. Ham it up. 
You have two choices for audio:
"I'm soooo sexy!"
"You can kiss my butt!"
These are your only choices HOWEVER --
You get to decide where to place the emphasis in the sentence and how best to
 convey what Earl means when he talks to us.
DON'T FORGET **** For the lip sync assignment, you'll need a hand held cosmetic
 mirror at your workstation in order to get reference from your very own face :-)
Download Earl here.
Have fun ....