starting from the picture and working over.
From Top to Bottom
alt + left mouse Button = rotate camera
alt + middle mouse Button = pan camera
alt + right mouse button = zoom camera(scroll wheel also works)
1 = display smoothness Low
2 = display smoothness Med
3 = display smoothness High
4 = display Wireframe
5 = display shaded
6 = display shaded and textured
q = select tool
w = move tool
e = rotate tool
r = scale tool
t = manipulator tool
y = repeat last tool
g = repeat last action
a = frame all
f = frame selected
ctrl + a = attribte editor
ctrl + s = save scene
z, ctrl + z = undo
shift + z = redo
f8 = object mode
f9 = vertex mode
f10 = edge mode
f11 = face mode
delete = delete
x = snap to grid (hold middle mouse button)
c = snap to curve or edge (hold middle mouse button)
v = snap to vertex (hold middle mouse button)
p = parent
shift + p = unparent
s= key all
shift w = key translation
shift e = key rotation
shift r = key scale
-,+ = Manipulator Display Size
all hotkeys can be changed by going to "Window -> setting/prefferences -> hotkey editor"