Trace Updates

This page contains updates to the trace source code as bugs are reported.
May 4th, 1999
The person who implemented the polymesh code reports that there are some serious problems that could cause polygonal data to render incorrectly.

To solve these problems, you need to modify three files:

  • polymesh.cpp: It's unlikely that you've modified this file. If you haven't, simply replace your copy with this one. If you have, you'll have to apply the changes by hand.
  • ray.h: Again, you probably didn't modify this file, so replace it with this one.
  • material.cpp: Well, you probably modified this file. Fortunately, the change to make is trivial. You can look in this copy to see the bit that changes. Basically, the shininess parameter used in the constructor of Material::zero must be 0.0, not 1.0.
May 9th, 1999
Another small bug in the polymesh code, resulting in the inside surfaces of polygonal objects never being rendered.

To solve this problem, you need to replace the polymesh.cpp file.

All bug fixes up to this point have been included in the versions of the skeleton and solution currently posted.