CSE 455 Assignment 3 Autumn 2012

Skyler Peterson

       Welcome to my artifact page for assignment 3 which involves 3D reconstruction of image sets using various Photometric Stereo techniques. In the remainder of this page you will find images of my results for six objects. These images represent the entire given example sets for this project. Each set contains nine images. Two of which represent the normal found at each pixel of the object in the image; one of which is in color format and the other is in a vector format. One of the images is the albedo calculated for the image. Finally, there are three sets of two images taken of the 3D reconstruction. Each set is of the same image, one with and one without the albedo applied to the mesh. Of the three sets, one is a straight on view and, other than the shading, shouldn't appear much different than the albedo map. The second is a profile view and the third is an angled view that I found interesting or revealing in some way.

        NOTE: You may click any image in this document to see it in full size.

Click a thumbnail below to skip to that artifact.

Buddah thumbnailCat thumbnailGray Sphere thumbnailHorse thumbnailOwl thumbnailRock thumbnail

        In general the assignment appeared to be quite successful. As this page demonstrates, all of the example objects were reconstructed successfully. The "correctness" of these reconstructions can be evaluated in multiple ways; comparison with the physical objects themselves, comparison with the outputs of some accepted "solution" program, and the aesthetic value of the results. The first of these evaluations will be impossible as the physical objects themselves were not provided and for all I know have been lost to mankind. (or at least to me they are) The second of these evaluations will prove the most realistic; as the class was provided a single and uniform solution set to use as comparison. This however may prove subjective as it is dependent on the correctness of the solution itself. The third and final criteria is subject to the eye of the beholder, however this beholder will give some opinions on the subject. I will write about the successful and not-so-successful points following each image set.

Buddah Image Set

Buddah Normals in RGB FormatBuddah Normals in Needle FormatBuddah Albedo Map
Buddah Normals as RGBBuddah Normals as NeedlesBuddah Albedo Map
Buddah Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo Buddah Profile Depth Map with No AlbedoBuddah Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Buddah Depth Map 1 No AlbedoBuddah Depth Map 2 No AlbedoBuddah Depth Map 3 No Albedo
Buddha Frontal Depth Map with AlbedoBuddha Profile Depth Map with AlbedoBuddha Angled Depth Map with Albedo
Buddah Depth Map 1 AlbedoBuddah Depth Map 2 AlbedoBuddah Depth Map 3 Albedo
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        The Buddha object came out fairly perfect. There were no visible differences between the solution code and mine that I could perceive in any of the albedo, normal, or depth maps. This reconstruction was probably the most perfect recreation as compared to the solution as even the edge lines matched completely.

Cat Image Set

Cat Normals in RGB FormatCat Normals in Needle FormatCat Albedo Map
Cat Normals in RGB
Cat Normals in Needle
Cat Albedo Map
Cat Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo Cat Profile Depth Map with No AlbedoCat Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Cat Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo
Cat Profile Depth Map with No Albedo
Cat Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Cat Frontal Depth Map with AlbedoCat Profile Depth Map with AlbedoCat Angled Depth Map with Albedo
Cat Frontal Depth Map with Albedo
Cat Profile Depth Map with Albedo
Cat Angled Depth Map with Albedo
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        As can be seen this reconstruction appears to look good. The surface is smooth everywhere as one might expect a soft cute kitten to appear. The albedo is a bit pixely about the whiskers and the eyes have a glare however this is present in the solution output also. The 3D reconstructions are entirely similar in the inner regions, while the edges are also similar with exception to a few upward facing lines on the left side of the face that do NOT appear in my output. In this sense mine looks better, although very little.

Gray Sphere Image Set

Gray Sphere Normals in RGB FormatGray Sphere Normals in Needle FormatGray Sphere Albedo Map
Gray Sphere Normals in RGB
Gray Sphere Normals in Needle
Gray Sphere Albedo
Gray Sphere Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo Gray Sphere Profile Depth Map with No AlbedoGray Sphere Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Gray Sphere Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo
Gray Sphere Profile Depth Map with No Albedo
Gray Sphere Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Gray Sphere Frontal Depth Map with AlbedoGray Sphere Profile Depth Map with AlbedoGray Sphere Angled Depth Map with Albedo
Gray Sphere Frontal Depth Map with Albedo
Gray Sphere Profile Depth Map with Albedo
Gray Sphere Angled Depth Map with Albedo
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         This shape is fairly straight forward as it is in fact a sphere. This made it a good shape to test with during the production of the code, since it is simple and I know exactly what it should look like, especially the normals. The normal vector map is symmetric and the albedo looks like the original sphere. As the viewer can quickly verify, the 3D reconstruction does look pretty much like a half sphere and it matches the given output. The only difference I can see between mine and the solution is some outward lines that show up in the solution in the chewed up looking region at the bottom of the profile shots. Mine do not have these outward projecting lines and like the cat makes my reconstruction a little bit better to look at.

Horse Image Set

Horse Normals in RGB FormatHorse Normals in Needle FormatHorse Albedo Map
Horse Normals in RGB Format
Horse Normals in Needle
Horse Albedo Map
Horse Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo Horse Profile Depth Map with No AlbedoHorse Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Horse Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo
Horse Profile Depth Map with No Albedo
Horse Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Horse Frontal Depth Map with AlbedoHorse Profile Depth Map with AlbedoHorse Angled Depth Map with Albedo
Horse Frontal Depth Map with Albedo
Horse Profile Depth Map with Albedo
Horse Angled Depth Map with Albedo
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        I thought this was one of the more advanced shapes based off; the fine ridges in its skin, the bend in its neck and legs, and the thin legs/tail projecting from the body (not found in any of the other objects). I was pleased to find that the reconstruction was successful and the only differences were found in the edges. Unlike my previous reconstructions (see cat and gray sphere) there are outward lines that can be seen at the top of the head. These lines do show up in the solution code but in a different location (the bottom of the head).

Owl Image Set

Owl Normals in RGB FormatOwl Normals in Needle FormatOwl Albedo Map
Owl Normals in RGB Format
Owl Normals in Needle Format
Owl Albedo Map
Owl Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo Owl Profile Depth Map with No AlbedoOwl Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Owl Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo
Owl Profile Depth Map with No Albedo
Owl Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Owl Frontal Depth Map with AlbedoOwl Profile Depth Map with AlbedoOwl Angled Depth Map with Albedo
Owl Frontal Depth Map with Albedo
Owl Profile Depth Map with Albedo
Owl Angled Depth Map with Albedo
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        This reconstruction is similar to the cat one in nature and my comments are similar. This one however, is my least favorite object as its beak blocked the side of its face so he or she kind of looks messed up and for some reason its right eye is flaring out but this shows up in the solution also. Again, my image has a difference in where the outward lines show up. This time I have lines on his or her or its genetically unspecific left ear.

Rock Image Set

Rock Normals in RGB FormatRock Normals in Needle FormatRock Albedo Map
Rock Normals in RGB Format
Rock Normals in Needle Format
Rock Albedo Map
Rock Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo Rock Profile Depth Map with No AlbedoRock Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Rock Frontal Depth Map with No Albedo
Rock Profile Depth Map with No Albedo
Rock Angled Depth Map with No Albedo
Rock Frontal Depth Map with AlbedoRock Profile Depth Map with AlbedoRock Angled Depth Map with Albedo
Rock Frontal Depth Map with Albedo
Rock Profile Depth Map with Albedo
Rock Angled Depth Map with Albedo
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        This lowly rock turned out to be my favorite reconstruction. I liked it for its modest yet complicated form. All of its rough edges, divots, and projections made for a meteor looking 3D object. After applying the albedo the chaos of the form suddenly takes shape as you can easily map the clods and independent rocks to their correct locations. Again, this object was very similar to the solution with exception to the location of the awkwardly outward projecting lines on the edges.