

Grades will be assigned approximately as follows:

For the exercises and labs, you are encouraged to work in pairs; everyone needs to submit the solutions separately. For the final exam, you must work individually. There is no midterm. The percentages may be adjusted if appropriate.


Late days

You have eight late days for labs 1–5.

Late days must be used in 24-hour (integer) chunks. You can divide them up among the labs however you like; you don’t have to ask or tell us. They are intended for emergencies where you fall behind due to illness, job interviews, athletic events, deadlines in other classes, etc.

For exercises and lab X, we will not accept any late submissions; you must turn them in on time.

Cheating vs. collaboration

Collaboration is a very good thing. On the other hand, cheating is considered a very serious offense and is vigorously prosecuted. Vigorous prosecution requires that you be advised of the cheating policy of the course before the offending act.

For this quarter, the policy is simple: don’t cheat. You know it when you’re doing it. We’ll recognize it when you do it. For example:

  • Never share code or text on the project.
  • Never use someone else’s code or text in your solutions.
  • Never consult project code or text that might be on the Internet.

On the other hand, for this class, you are strongly encouraged to:

  • Share ideas.
  • Explain your code to someone to see if they know why it doesn’t work.
  • Help someone else debug if they’ve run into a wall.

If you obtain help of any kind, always write the name(s) of your sources.

Please read CSE’s Academic Misconduct Policy.