CSE 451, Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2013

Lectures: MWF 11:30-12:20 EEB 045
Section AA: Thurs 12:30-1:20 EEB 054
Section AB: Thurs 1:30-2:20 SIG 224

Who Office Hours
Ed Lazowska, Instructor
lazowska at cs.washington.edu
Mondays, 12:30-1:20, CSE 570
or by appointment
Elliott Brossard, TA
snowden at cs.washington.edu
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:20, CSE 002
Thursdays, 11:30-12:20, CSE 002
Jim Youngquist, TA
jay at cs.washington.edu
Tuesdays, 2:30-3:20, CSE 002
Fridays, 1:30-2:20, CSE 002

Anonymous Feedback

Anonymous feedback can be sent to the instructor or TAs using this anonymous feedback form.

  • 6/13/13: Final exam histogram here; scores in GradeBook here.
  • 6/7/13: By the last day of class, pretty much everyone needs a cuddle ...
  • 6/4/13: Final exam is Wednesday June 12, 2:30-4:20.
  • 6/4/13: Project 3 is due Saturday June 8 at 11:59 p.m.
  • 5/25/13: Quoting Jim's email regarding Project 3:
    We've released the preliminary write up for Project 3 so you can get started on reading background information
    and planning. There may be a few slight changes over the weekend, but the major details are there.  The
    skeleton code isn't in git yet, we'll release another announcement as soon as it's available.
    First steps:
        Get a good understanding of the data structures in EXT2.
        Read chapter 3 of Linux Device Drivers and skim chapters 1, 2 and 5.
        Review best practices from Project 1 with respect to working in kernel
            space and not trusting user space pointers, etc.
    As mentioned in section last week, if you provide us with an outline of your planned approach before class on 
    Wednesday, then Elliott and I are happy to review it and offer suggestions.
  • 5/20/13: A reminder that Project 2 parts 4,5,6 is due Friday; Project 3 will be available then.
  • 5/20/13: I'm sure you've observed that we're at the end of the textbook but not at the end of the course. The remaining material is no less important, so it becomes particularly important to be attentive in class!
  • 5/20/13: With regard to lecture module 21, check out "The Five Minute University."
  • 5/6/13: Midterm results and histogram are posted here.
  • 5/5/13: Reading: Chapter 12 for Wednesday; Chapters 11 and 13 for Friday; Chapter 14 for Monday.
  • 5/4/13: Reminders: Midterm test Monday; Project 2 parts 1, 2, 3 due Friday rather than Wednesday as originally scheduled; Project 2 parts 4, 5, 6 due Friday the 24th as originally scheduled.
  • 4/28/13: Please read Chapter 8 for Monday, Chapter 9 for Wednesday, Chapter 10 for Friday.
  • 4/24/13: Project 2 is posted.
  • 4/22/13: Please read Chapter 7 for Wednesday.
  • 4/14/13: Please read Chapter 4 ASAP, Chapter 5 for Wednesday, and Chapter 6 for Friday! Thanks.
  • 4/10/13: Project 1 is posted; due 4/24. Start now!
  • 4/7/13: Please read Chapters 2 and 3 for Wednesday!
  • 4/3/13: I've posted my slides from the Living Computer Museum, and also four pdf "timelines." The timelines are for your personal use only and must not be distributed. They were provided to attendees at last night's dedication event.
  • 3/30/13: To spare a few trees, I won't print and distribute the slides. If you want hard copy, please print the pdf's linked from the lecture material web page here.
  • 3/30/13: Please read Chapter 1 for Wednesday. Reading assignments will be posted here.
  • 3/30/13: Project 0 has been posted here; due April 10. This is an individual assignment. Remaining projects will be done in 2-person teams; you'll need to form teams during the first week of class.
  • 3/28/13: There is a course discussion board here.
  • 3/28/13: All students should have been auto-subscribed to the CSE451 email list, cse451a_sp13 at uw.edu - archive here.

Textbooks Required Operating Systems: Principles and Practice, Tom Anderson and Mike Dahlin.

The Linux Kernel, David Rusling. (A locally stored copy is kept here.  No attempt will be made to keep the local copy synch'ed with the official copy.)
- or -
The Linux Kernel, Andries Brouwer. (Another, more up-to-date (kernel level 2.5+) guide.)

Strongly encouraged Running Linux, Matthias Dalheimer and Matt Welsh, ISBN-10 0596007604. Unless you are already running a Linux system on a personal machine (and maybe even then) I highly recommend you read this book. Available online through the UW Libraries here.
Videos Required Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks, Fernando Corbato (27 minutes).

Required Every OS Sucks, Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie.