CSE 451, Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2013
Using Course Email
Sending Mail
The class mailing list is cse451a_sp13 at uw.edu. We will use this list to make official class-related announcements. Students can also send relevant e-mails to this list, but please bear in mind that about 60 people will receive any message that you send. Don't send personal messages or spam to this list, please.
Most questions about homework and projects should be asked on the discussion board, rather than by e-mail. If you have a question that is not appropriate for the discussion board, please e-mail it to both TAs.
We will assume that all students in the class will be on the mailing list, and furthermore, we will assume that everybody will be checking their mail regularly (at least once a day). It is conceivable that we will use the mailing list to announce homework assignments, or to make changes/fixes to project assignments.
All students registered for the course should be automatically subscribed to the email list. If you have problems, send email to one of us.
All email sent to the class list is archived here.
Discussion Board
Don't forget the class discussion board, here. TAs receive an e-mail notification whenever somebody posts to the discussion board, so questions posted there will be answered as quickly as questions e-mailed directly.
- Course Home
- Administrivia
- Materials
- Assignments
- Information
Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX