The problem:

    Deaf people live in a world that is unique, one without sound. They face unique challenges, particularly in the context of transportation. While commuting, there are many auditory signals that deaf people are not aware of, from bike bells and shouts to sirens and honking horns.

Our solution:

    AuVi acts as a second set of ears that map imperceptible audio cues to perceptible visual cues for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people while they commute.

The Glasses

The glasses feature a non-intrusive display on the inner rims that relay audible information as small lights around the users peripheral view. This allows the user to quickly find the object of interest to the left, right, or behind. In addition, the type of object is interest is display on the top right of the user's view.

The Sensors

The sensors analyze the user's environment though microphones and ultrasonic radar sensors. They are easily attached to any mode of transportation, be it a bike or a car. The dual sensor design allows AuVi to gain a stereoscopic view of the world.


While commuting, the sensors stereoscopically relay infromation to the glasses for user notification. Using Intel Vaunt smartglasses technology, icons only appear in user vision when user looks directly at them.

About Us


Drew McCoy

Computer Science and Engineering


Toby Dunkelberg

Computer Science and Engineering


Josh Spires

Computer Science and Engineering


Jacob Longhurst

Computer Science and Engineering