Meet the Quility Team

Daiana Kaplan
A talented designer that set the direction of most design elements throughout the entire quarter. Her ability to quickly make decisions and create high quality prototypes and mockups helped the Quility team demonstrate the applications core functionality to the user. Without Daiana, the Quility app would have taken a completely different form.

Keegan Jordan
A creative and intelligent member of the team that better explained his ideas with graphics than words. His sketches planted the seed of what Quility was going to become. Additionally, he focused the team on a final product and made the critical decisions when they mattered the most.
Andrew Calimlim
A valuable team member that joined Quility after the idea was established. His enthusiasm for helping people with OCD allowed us as a team to remember to focus on the user throughout the entire process. He brought his knowledge of users to the Quility team and his creativity in design to enhance the experience and quality of our product through each iteration.
Francisco Mendoza
An intelligent computer science major that often lead discussions and grounded the team in the practical applications of our product. His practicality was well balanced with his creativity which lead him to be the first to suggest the tasks and solutions that Quility was based on.