CSE 414: Exams

Note: This quarter exams are closed book, closed notes.

Practice problems:

SQL Practice: sql-practice-problems.txt and sql-practice-problems-answers.txt

This quarter's exams

Old CSE 414 exams

Here are the exams from previous offerings of CSE414. Because of the calendar, past offerings did not always cover topics in the same sequence, so you may need to make appropriate adjustments when studying, and some topics on this quarter's midterm might not have been covered until thefinal exam in previous years.

Midterms: 13sp (sample solution) 14wi (sample solution)
Finals: 13sp (sample solution) 14wi (sample solution)

Old CSE 344 midterms and finals:

Below is a list of past CSE 344 exams. Note that CSE 344 and CSE 414 cover sightly different material. You are not responsible for CSE 344 content not included in CSE 414. Also, as with CSE 414, the timing of midterm exams can change from quarter to quarter, meaning that topics included or omitted on particular midterms may appear on or be missing from midterms for different years.

Sample Solution
CSE 344 - 11sp midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 11sp final final solution
CSE 344 - 11au midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 11au final final solution
CSE 344 - 12wi midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 12wi final final solution
CSE 344 - 12au final final solution
CSE 344 - 13wi midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 13wi final final solution
CSE 344 - 13au midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 13au final final solution
CSE 344 - 14wi midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 14wi final final solution
CSE 344 - 14au midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 14au final final solution
CSE 344 - 15wi midterm midterm solution
CSE 344 - 15wi final final solution