CSE 413 Sp11 Lectures, Slides & Examples
Schedule for the quarter. Slides (if any) will generally be posted
by the night before class. Other materials, including example code,
will appear after the coresponding class.
- Mar 28: Introduction (slides)
- Mar 30: Lists (slides) lec2.scm sample
- Apr 1 : Lists and functions lec3.scm sample functions
- Apr 4: Recursion patterns
- Apr 6: Let, tail recursion; lec4-5sp11.scm sample
- Apr 8: Higher-order functions, Lambda; lec6sp11.scm sample
- Apr 11: High-order functions, lambdas, closures, nested scopes; lec7sp11.scm sample functions
- Apr 13: Lambdas, closures, and environments; lec8sp11.scm sample functions
- Apr 15: Closures and environments, concl.
- Apr 18: Memory management, reference counting, mark/sweep garbage colection
- Apr 20: Copying/compacting collectors, generational GC and others
- Apr 22: Racket define-struct, letrec, Interpreter assignment (MUPL) (slides)
- Apr 25: Scheme macros; more MUPL
- Apr 27: Intro to Ruby (slides) PosRat.rb sample code
- Apr 29: Ruby demo; dynamic dispatch and method calls in Java and Ruby
- May 2: Ruby containers (slides); Blocks, procs, and lambdas (slides)
- May 4: Midterm review
- May 6: Midterm, in class
- May 9: Ruby: tips; mixins and modules
- May 11: Ruby: Duck typing, classes, & inheritance (slides) points.rb sample code
- May 13: Interfaces, inheritance, and mixins (slides) inherit.rb sample code; start parsers, scanners, etc.
- May 16: Parsers, scanners, grammars, and regular
expressions (slides)
- May 18: Grammars, derivations and regular expressions
- May 20: Regular expressions and scanners; Parsers (slides)
- May 23: Context-free grammars, ambiguity
- May 25: LL grammars and top-down parsing (slides)
- May 27: Parsing & grammar hacking (concl.); course evaluations
May 30: Memorial Day; University Holiday
- Jun 1: A bit of history slides hopl proceedings 50 in 50
- Jun 3: Bit of history (concl.); Course summary & review
Mon, Jun 6: review session, 4:30-6pm, EE 037.
Tue., Jun 7: final exam, 2:30, regular classroom.