CSE 413 Au08 Lecture Slides & Examples
- Sept. 24: Introduction (pdf, ppt)
- Sept. 26: Lists (pdf, ppt)
Scheme functions from lecture
- Sept. 29: Lists and functions (no new slides) Scheme functions from lecture
- Oct. 1: Recursion patterns, let, tail recursion Scheme functions
- Oct. 3: Higher-order functions, Lambda (pdf, ppt)
Scheme functions
- Oct. 6: Environments, closures.
- Oct. 8: Lambdas, closures, nested scopes.
- Oct. 10: HW3, higher-order functions (map, filter, reduce, fold-left vs
fold-right) Latest version of scheme functions
- Oct. 13: Memory management & reference counting
- Oct. 15: Garbage collection
- Oct. 17: Interpreters & higher-order functions (pdf, ppt)
- Oct. 20: MUPL assignment
- Oct. 22: Intro to Ruby (pdf, ppt) PosRat.rb code;
console history from lecture
- Oct. 24: Ruby intro (cont.)
- Oct. 27: Ruby containers (pdf, ppt),
mixins and modules (pdf, ppt)
- Oct. 29: Mixins (cont.); Ruby blocks, procs, and lambdas (pdf, ppt)
- Oct. 31: Midterm review
- Nov. 3: Midterm, in class
- Nov. 5: Duck typing, classes, & inheritance (pdf, ppt) points.rb
- Nov. 7: Objects and classes (pdf, ppt) objects.scm
- Nov. 10: More on objects, self, etc.
- Nov. 12: Objects in Scheme (concl); Parsers, scanners, grammars, and regular
expressions (pdf, ppt)
intro and some history
- Nov. 14: Grammars, derivations and regular expressions
- Nov. 17: Regular expressions and scanners
- Nov. 19: Parsing and context-free grammars (pdf, ppt)
- Nov. 21: Context-free grammars, ambiguity
- Nov. 24: LL grammars and top-down parsing (pdf, ppt)
- Nov. 26: Recursive-descent parsers, grammar hacking
- Dec. 1: Interfaces, mixins, and multiple inheritance (pdf, ppt)
- Dec. 3: Implementing dynamic dispatch; static type systems for classes
(pdf, ppt)
- Dec. 5: Course summary & review
Wed., Dec. 10: review session, 4:30-6pm, CSE 403
Thur., Dec. 11: final exam, 2:30, regular classroom.