CSE 413 Autumn 2008 -- Assignments & Exams
Dropbox for assignment submission
- Assignment 0. Due in class, Friday,
Sept. 26.
- Assignment 1, Scheme warmup. Due electronically
11 pm, Thursday Oct. 2; Written part due at the beginning of class
Friday, Oct. 3.
- Assignment 2, More Scheme. Due electronically 11 pm, Thursday Oct. 9; Written
part due at the beginning of class Friday, Oct. 10.
- Assignment 3. Scheme programming. Due electronically 11 pm, Thursday Oct.
16; Written part due at the beginning of class Friday, Oct. 17.
- Assignment 4. MUPL. Due electronically 11 pm, Tuesday Oct. 28. Starter code:
- Assignment 5. Fish. Due electronically 11 pm, Thursday,
Nov. 13; Written part due at the beginning of class, Friday Nov. 14.
- Assignment 6. Regular expressions and calculator scanner. Due electronically
11 pm, Thursday, Nov. 20; Written problems and printout due at the beginning
of class, Friday, Nov. 21. Calculator language description.
- Assignment 7. Context free grammars and parser/interpreter. Due electronically
11 pm, Thursday, Dec. 4; Written problems and printout due at the beginning
of class, Friday, Dec. 5. No late assignments
accepted, even if you still have late days remaining.
- Final exam topic list
- Some old final exams (Ignore questions about topics that are no longer
part of the course, although some of the compiler questions do contain things
about grammars and parsing that are appropriate for this quarter. This
quarter's exam will, of course, include questions on Ruby and other new topics.)
au07 (solution) wi02 (solution) wi01 (solution)
- This quarter's final: exam sample solution
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