Each reading response must be less than 1 page. Sometimes, they are a summary, and sometimes something else.
They are generally due before the relevant lecture, to help you make the most out of the lecture.
Your reading response will contrast the spiral development model and the scrum development model. Working from information in the papers, state and justify two circumstances in which the spiral model would be superior and two circumstances in which the scrum model would be better.
After completing the use case tutorial, spend up to a half hour to sketch three use cases for your project proposal. Turn in responses to the following questions:
Parnas's paper is awfully old. Are his ideas still valid thirty years later? Choose two instances where Parnas's suggestions seem rather dated. For one of them, explain why his argument is no longer relevant. For the other, explain why his argument is still relevant, and give an updated retelling of that part of his story.
A. The
interaction of social issues and software architecture
J. The
Joel Test
There are two readings for this week, and you have a choice between four questions. After having read the two assigned papers, respond in at least one of the four conversation threads (each corresponds to one of the prompts below). Your response may respond to or comment on ideas that have already appeared in the thread, or it may be a completely new idea—the only requirement is that it must contribute usefully to the discussion.
For this week's reading, read Henning's article on why API design matters, and the chapter on Design in Construction from McConnell's book. You can skim §5.3 (Design Building Blocks: Heuristics), but pay attention to the rest. Write a summary of either all the material, or some subset that you found particularly interesting.
What on earth is a book about mountain-climbing accidents doing on the reading list of a software engineering class? Explain why this is directly relevant to the work you have done in CSE 403 and the work you will do in the future. Briefly (taking up less space than you spent explaining its relevance), discuss a way in which the mountain-climbing domain is different than software engineering, so that the article is not relevant or even misleading.