Data Flow Analysis

Data Flow Analysis is a type of static analysis. The goal of static analysis is to reason about program behavior at compile-time, before ever running the program. The goal of dynamic analysis, in contrast, is to reason about program behavior at run-time. Data Flow Analysis typically operates over a Control-Flow Graph (CFG), a graphical representation of a program.

Consider, for example, the following Java code:

        public String badCode(int x) {
            String y = null;
            if (x > 0) {
                y = "more";
            } else if (x < 0) {
                y = "less";
            return y.toUpperCase();

We can represent this by the following CFG:

Using this CFG, we can reason globally (from the start to the exit of the CFG) about the behavior of a program by reasoning locally (at a single statement or sequence of statements without branches) about facts. For example, we may want to know if there are any possible null-pointer exceptions in our program. We can do this by reasoning locally about the definitions in our CFG. We know program point 1 assigns null to a variable, and we also know this value is overwritten at points 3 and 5. Using this information, we can determine whether the definition at point 1 may reach program point 6 where it's used. If it can, we have a possible null-pointer exception.

Classifying Data Flow Analyses

Let's revisit this idea formally. There are several ways to reason about a CFG:

Consider an arbitrary program point p. In a forward analysis, we are reasoning about facts up to p, considering only the predecessors of the node at p. In a backward analysis, we are reasoning about facts from p onward, considering only the successors.

In a may analysis, we care about the facts that may be true at p. That is, they are true for some path up to or from p, depending on the direction of the analysis. In a must analysis, we care about the facts that must be true at p. That is, they are true for every path up to or from p. This manifests when we reach a join point in our program. A join point is when multiple paths of a program come together in our CFG. In our example, if we are moving forward, program point 6 is a join point. At these join points, we will either take the union (for may) or intersection (for must) of sets of facts.

We also care about the initial sets of facts that are true at the entry or exit (depending on the direction), and initially at every in our out point (also depending on the direction). Finally, at each program point, we generate and kill facts. We generate facts when we have new information at a program point, and we kill facts when that program point invalidates other information. We call these sets Gen and Kill.

A Generic Algorithm

From this emerges a generic algorithm. If we are moving forward, we have the following:

        In(s) = /\s' in pred(s) Out(s')  
        Out(s) = Gen(s) union (In(s) \ Kill(s))

If we are moving backward, we instead have the following:

        Out(s) = /\s' in succ(s) In(s')  
        In(s) = Gen(s) union (Out(s) \ Kill(s))

Here, /\ refers to "meet," which is union for may analyses and intersection for must analyses.

In other words, when we move forward, we get our input by taking the union or intersection of the outputs of all of the predecessors, and we get our output by reasoning locally about the facts generated and killed at that point. When we move backward, we get our output by taking the union or intersection of all the inputs of all of the successors, and we get our intput by reasoning locally about our facts. The algorithm is executed until all facts converge, that is, until they don't change anymore.

It turns out that data flow facts typically form a lattice. You shouldn't have to worry about this for class, but if you're interested in the math behind this, I highly encourage you to read these slides to find out more, or ask in office hours. The slides also generalize the algorithm more and discuss why we know it must terminate.

Four Classic Analyses

Following are four classic analyses:

If we look closely at our English definitions, we can also figure out the facts we're reasoning about (the domain of our analysis) and our Gen and Kill sets. In live variables, for example, we are reasoning about variables. A variable is only live if it's used, so using a variable in an expression generates information. A variable is only live if it's used before it is overwritten, so assigning to the variable kills information.

Each of these analyses has concrete applications in the real world:

Reaching Definitions

Let's revisit our CFG from before:

We want to determine if there may be a null-pointer exception at program point 6. In other words, we want to know if the definiton at point 1 may reach point 6. We assume for now that y.toUpperCase() has no side-effects. We denote the empty set as {}; this is analogous to all facts being false as seen in lecture. We consider Reaching Definitions in more detail:

Now, let's run through our algorithm:

Program Point Gen Kill In Out
1 {1} {3,5} {} {1}
2 {} {} {1} {1}
3 {3} {1,5} {1} {3}
4 {} {} {1} {1}
5 {5} {1,3} {1} {5}
6 {} {} {1,3,5} {1,3,5}

It turns out that the definition y = null at program point 1 can reach pogram point 6, so y may still be null at program point 6. This means we have a possible null-pointer exception!

To verify the stronger assertion that y.toUpperCase() cannot be a null dereference (which, in this case, we know is not true), we need more than just a Reaching Definitions analysis. We need to consider assignments of the form p = r, p = r.f, and r.f = p. This is where pointer analysis comes in handy. See the Lecture Slides for more details.