
Course Overview

This course is an exciting and unique approach to intertwining two different sets of topics in ways that the course staff believe will be synergistic.

On the one hand, we will use a set of assignments from the nand2tetris program to understand how computers work from the bottom up (i.e., from binary to a computer program). While certain aspects of the material overlap with CSE 311, CSE 351, CSE 369, and even several 400-level CSE courses, most of it is complementary and a useful broad, overview. By “lifting the cover up” on a computer, we hope this course demystifies computers in an empowering way. We will call this aspect of the course “bottom-up computing”, and while we explore this topic, we will also explore how computing interacts with and shapes our society.

On the other hand, we will focus on techniques and strategies for academic success in all computer science courses as well as UW courses broadly. We will work on various topics such as time management, test taking, annotation, testing and debugging software, and more, as these topics are crucial for academic success. We take the view that they should be explicitly taught and explicitly learned, but this cannot happen without practice. We will call this aspect of the course “academic skill-building.” It is also related to metacognition, which means awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.

As such, the two threads of the course are complementary. This is a graded course which includes projects, a midterm, and other components you would find in any other CSE course, but you will also have regular assignments where you will apply and reflect on how you used the academic skill-building in accomplishing the bottom-up computing. At the highest level, the goal is to learn how computers work and have increased skills and confidence for tackling future UW and CSE courses. In addition to meeting 1:1 with a TA weekly, the small class size is aimed to give all students an extraordinarily supportive environment as we all work together to challenge ourselves and overcome hurdles.

For more specific course topics and deadlines, see the course calendar.


Students must have completed CSE 143 to be eligible to take CSE 390B.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to:


Course grades will be calculated as follows:

Each project will include minimum requirements in order to receive a passing grade for that project. If the minimum requirements are met for each project, then you will be guaranteed to receive a passing grade in the course, even if the projects were submitted too late to receive credit (see also the Late Policy below).

1:1 Weekly Student-TA Meetings

As part of the course, every student in CSE 390B will be paired with a CSE 390B Teaching Assistant to meet once per week for a 45 minute 1:1 session. The purpose of these meetings is for students to check in and communicate with TAs about course projects, discuss study strategies, and raise any questions/comments/concerns in a tight-knit, supportive environment. The course staff hopes that these meetings will enable you to overcome technical hurdles and develop effective learning habits in a unique and effective manner.

These 1:1 sessions are a required, core component of the course. Students are expected to attend their weekly 1:1 Student-TA sessions each week on time and ready to work. 1:1s will begin during Week 2 of the quarter with the meeting time determined by the student and TA’s availability for the quarter (more information about this will be announced in lecture). The following is a list of guidelines relating to 1:1 Student-TA session attendance and grading practices:

Contacting Course Staff

If you have questions related to the course material, projects, exams, or the course, we encourage you to post those on the Ed discussion board. This helps the course staff organize and respond to questions better and allows you to seek insights on a question another student may have already asked. Additionally, posting your questions on a class-wide discussion board provides the opportunity to offer help to your peers. Please read the discussion board guidelines post before using the board.

The course staff wants to help you navigate difficulties and achieve your goals this quarter. If you have more personal questions, concerns, or issues, please reach out to us (see the Home page for various ways to contact us). We also recognize that in certain situations you may feel more comfortable remaining anonymous. You can contact us anonymously using CSE’s anonymous feedback tool.


CSE 390B welcomes all students of all backgrounds. The Allen School seeks to create a more diverse, inclusive, equitable, and accessible environment for our community and our field. You are expected and demanded to be treated by your classmates and the course staff with respect. You belong here, and we are here to help you learn and empower you in succeeding in a challenging course. If any incident occurs that challenges this commitment to a supportive and inclusive environment, please let the course staff know so the issue can be addressed.

Our Virtual World

CSE 390B was first piloted in Spring 2020 and has been offered two other times since—all online. We are confident in being able to support a smooth online start to the class given our experience teaching the course remotely. That said, we recognize that the pandemic and remote learning can leave a lasting impact on students in a variety of ways which could include managing technology to participate, emotional challenges from social isolation, or the health of you or people close to you. Members of the course staff may face similar challenges. We are all in this together and this is a time for maximal flexibility and speaking up if challenges arise. CSE 390B teaches techniques that should help with resilience in the face of challenges. The course staff is confident that this course will help provide solutions in these difficult times, not more problems. See more resources for navigating these difficult times in the Student Wellness section below, and let the course staff know how we can help.

Student Wellness

Our priority is to support you as a human being, meaning your physical and mental health and well-being are more important than the course materials, assignments, and deadlines. We recognize that students are navigating more than just their academics and want to point out some of the different resources for support that are available to you:

Late Policy

If you are falling behind, please communicate with us early so we can support you. We may be able to do more in helping you get back on track if we know that you are having difficulties with keeping up early on versus after the fact.

Academic Integrity

The following policy is intended to encourage you to get the most out of this class that you can. It is not intended to be a strict policing of your learning, and by no means should discourage you from collaborating with your peers (in the allowed ways) or asking for help.

The projects and midterm in this class are to be done individually. You may ask the course staff for help when you are stuck. You may, and are encouraged to, discuss your high-level approach with fellow students. Here are some collaboration guidelines we ask you to follow:

You should not receive help beyond high-level review of course concepts from others not in the class (tutors, friends, etc.) nor from web searches. You should not search for or use any solutions to work in the class that you find online.

If you have any questions about what is allowed, we encourage you to reach out to us, but please do so in advance. Turning in work that is too similar to another student's or to information found online is unacceptable and will lead to a substantially lower grade and a formal report via the university mechanisms.


There is no textbook to buy. We will provide readings on the course calendar and list them all together on the course Resources page.

Sexual Harrassment

University policy prohibits all forms of sexual harassment. If you feel you have been a victim of sexual harassment or if you feel you have been discriminated against, you may speak with your instructor, teaching assistant, the chair of the department, or you can file a complaint with the UW Ombudsman's Office for Sexual Harassment. Their office is located at 339 HUB, (206) 543-6028. There is a second office, the University Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office, who also investigate complaints. The UCIRO is located at 22 Gerberding Hall.

Disability Accommodations

Embedded in the core values of the University of Washington is a commitment to ensuring access to a quality higher education experience for a diverse student population. Disability Resources for Students (DRS) recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity that is integral to society and to our campus community. DRS serves as a partner in fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all University of Washington students. The DRS office is in 011 Mary Gates Hall.

Religious Accommodations

Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy. Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.