Due: Wednesay 1/7/04
- Verify that you are subscribed to the class mailing list. I believe that this is equivalent to verifying that you can view the mailing list archive.
- Read Chapter 1. The material in Sections 4.1-4.5 of the text should be familiar from CSE 370. Make sure it is.
- Section on Thursday will be on data representation, especially floating point. Read Sections 3.7 and 4.8 by then.
Out: Wednesday, 1/7/04
Due: Wednesday, 1/14/04
- Machine language programming
Submission Instructions
Out: Thrusday, 1/15/04
Due: Wednesday, 1/21/04
Monday, 1/19, is a holiday
- Assembly Language Programming
Out: Wednesday, 1/21/04
Due: Monday, 2/2/04
- Single Cycle Datapath Implementation
Out: Wednesday, 2/4/04
Due: Wednesday, 2/18/04 (Monday, 2/16, is a holiday.)
- Single Cycle with IO, Address Translation, and Exceptions
Out: Wednesday, 2/18/04
Due: Monday, 3/1/04
- Pipelined Implementation
Part A: Early 1990's (Micro)Architectures
Due: Monday, 3/8/04Part 2: Early 2000's (Micro)Architectures
Due: Wednesday, 3/10/04