CSE 378 Homework #3: Single-cycle Cebollita Machine
Due: Monday, 2/2/2004
Work in your newly reconstituted teams (of 3)
Updates will be posted here:
- 1/23/2004: The lab machines seems to have an old version of SMOK installed
on them, including desktop icons and a Start menu item.
Ignore them and follow the directions below. (If you accidentally launch the
old version, (a) it shouldn't cause any harm, and (b) when you read a file
written by a newer version (such as the initial model) it should warn you that
you're using an old version.)
Assignment Goals
In this assignment, you'll develop a single-cycle implementation of a
subset of the
Cebollita ISA,
itself (almost) a subset of the MIPS ISA.
We'll provide you with a datapath; you'll build various aspects of control:
- The main control for the datapath. We suggest using a PLA.
- A separate ALU control (also a PLA).
- Branch control, as logic.
When you're done, you'll have a processor that is capable of executing
some of the kinds of Cebollita programs we've built so far -- you won't
be able to do I/O, because your machine has no I/O devices, but everything
else will run.
This means that you can use Cebollita to generate complicated test cases.
(Part of this assignment (and all real-world projects) is convincing
yourself that your implementation works. You'll do that through a
combination of testing and reasoning.)
Those test cases will be useful in this assignment, and in future ones
as we expand and reimplement the machine.
Some information on how to build them is given below.
The Cebollita/MIPS Subset
Fortunately, you won't have to design a machine that implement the
whole MIPS ISA, nor even the entire Cebollita ISA.
Instead, you need to build only a subset:
- Arithmetic
- Logic
- Memory
- LW, SW, LB, SB
- Control
(* Remember that MULT/DIV have been simplified to look like regular
R-type instructions. Other changes from the Mips are noted in
the Cebollita documentation.)
The Cebollita instruction encodings are given in the relevant
Cebollita documentation.
Is this subset enough to get anything interesting done? Yes. In fact,
the Cebollita compiler limits itself to this subset as well, so you
will be able to use it to build real benchmarks and test programs for
your machine.
What You Start With
We're providing a skeletal SMOK model that has (most of) the components
needed for the datapath already created, as well as many of the
connections between them. Additionally, control, in the form of two PLA's,
is there in a skeletal form.
Because it's trivial, the skeletal control fully
implements the Halt instruction. It also causes the machine to halt when
a SYSCALL or BREAK instruction is encountered. Note that you are not
building a machine capable of executing those two instructions in this
We provided the infrastructure to halt the machine just in case you make
a mistake linking your Cebollita programs (as explained in the section on
building Cebollita apps) or want to manually insert a breakpoint instruction
into the code in memory.
Initial SMOK Model: The Datapath
The initial SMOK model has been set up in a way that encourages you to confine
your work to three SMOK Containers: one holding the datapath,
one containing logic that handles the update of the PC, and one that is
simply a place to put the control PLA's. You might also want to add some
ConstantRegisters - there is a fourth container used simply to keep them
out of the way (and small).
A picture is here.
You'll notice that there are more than four containers (the large, light grey
rectangles) in the model. The others are there just to indicate why you are
using containers -- later assignments will require additional circuitry that
we intend go in those "extra" containers. You can delete the extras
for now if you want and your screen is large enough to make the connection
points available when both Containers are "collapsed",
but remember that (a) you'll need add many more components
later, and (b) there is no simple way to move components from one container to
another in SMOK (you basically have to delete them and create them anew).
Containers are not functional parts of the circuit, they're just ways of
organizing the components on the screen.
You can connect directly between components in different containers, if you
want, or you can create input/output "passerelles" that interface
what's inside a container with everything outside.
(The passerelles are simply
connectable components large enough to clikc on when a container is not
expanded, unlike the connection points on the other components within the
container. When you run SMOK, you'll see what I mean.)
Double-clicking on the background within a container expands it, making
it easier to work on.
A picture of the expanded data path container is
A picture of the expanded PC control container is
This initial model,
as a SMOK input file, is linked near the end of this assignment.
Initial SMOK Model: ALU Control
The ALU control unit needs to tell the ALU what operation to perform
on each cycle. The ALU control decides how to do this based on two
inputs. The first comes from the main control unit, the second comes
from the FUNC field of the instruction. Why two inputs?
You clearly need the FUNC field of (most) R-type instructions, because
it, not the opcode alone, determines what ALU operation to perform.
On the other hand, you also need to know that the instruction is one
for which the FUNC field is meaningful, something determined by the
other control PLA.
Note that, if convenient to your implementation, you can edit the
meanings of the ALU control lines in SMOK to alter which control line values
correspond to which ALU operations.
Initial SMOK Model: Main Control Unit
The skeletal control unit takes simply the OPCODE instruction field
as input. That (plus use of the ALU control) is enough for it to do the
little bit that is implemented now -- halting the machine on HALT, SYSCALL,
and BREAK instructions.
Your full implementation of control will undoubtedly require additional
field(s) from the instruction, as it will be doing more complicated
things. For example, it will need to emit signals to control many
of the MUXes, as well as we the write enable lines on RegisterFile
and MemoryInterface.
Read the relevant section of Appendix B and C
to learn more about PLAs. Check out the online SMOK Component
and look at the examples for the stack machine in
this section handout,
to figure out how to specify the operation of your PLA.
Initial SMOK Model: R0 == 0
The Cebollita ISA (like the MIPS) says that R0 is 0
even if an instruction is executed that tries to write to it
(e.g., ori $0,$0,1
). SMOK provides a simple way
to guarantee this - the RegisterFile component can be set to enforce
this behavior. The RegisterFile in the inital model distribution
has this behavior set.
Implementing Control & Immediate Instructions
Branches and Jumps: By far the most difficult element of the
assignment will be getting branches (BEQ and BNE) and the three jump
instructions working correctly. Rememember, JAL needs to dump the
PC+4 into register 31.
JR needs to set the next PC to be the contents of register RS.
This is the part of the
assignment where your team will have to do some thinking
and sketching before implementing it in SMOK.
ORI/ADDI: It may seem redundant to have both of these
instructions in the instruction set;
however, ORI has the nice quality that it does NOT
sign-extend its immediate operand. This makes it useful/convenient
for generating large constant values. The upshot of its inclusion is
that the ALUSrc MUX will now take 3 inputs: a register value (for
R-types), a sign-extended immediate (for memory ops and ADDI), and a
non-sign-extended immediate (for ORI). Again, the inclusion of this
instruction will impact your control equation.
What You Are Not Implementing
- Any instruction not listed in the table at the top of this
- Any ability to do IO.
- Any ability to do a system call (SYSCALL), an idea we won't even
have talked about until about when this is due.
Solution Path
Below are recommendations to get you towards a solution. Your main
strategy should be to understand the issues on paper (and in your
brain) before you start SMOKing.
- (On paper) draw the extended datapath and muxes for all of the
instructions. (You can draw all the components as in the pictures
in the book, not worrying about the SMOK Containers.)
Pay special attention to the control instructions (BEQ,
BNE, J, etc.). Simulate them in your head and by hand to see if the
datapath makes sense.
- (On paper) work out the truth table for the main control unit.
- (On paper) design the ALU control. Look at the different FUNC
fields and think about how you can map them to ALU operations. If
you do it right, your ALU control will be pretty tidy.
- Check your work as a team, and then implement your design
in SMOK -- this should be a really mechanical process if you've done
your thinking ahead of time. Connect all of your wires and you should
be ready to go.
- Build an initial test program in assembly.
I recommend starting with just one or two R-type instructions.
Make sure they work.
- Test a few more instructions, like memory access (LW, SW, etc),
and maybe the immediate format ones.
- Start worrying about the control instructions. Take
them one at a time, in the context of small assembly
- Aim to end up with an assembly language test program that tests
all instructions types and opcodes, so long as "most instructions
are working". As explained next, you won't actually be
able to run that full-blown test program until late in this assignment,
but it will be useful in the next three assignments (making sure you
haven't broken anything).
- Build a real test program in C--. The largest one
supplied by us in the Cebollita distribution is in
. However, it does IO.
The Test Program/Suite
Ideally, your exhaustive test program can issue an instruction,
then check to make sure it got the right result, and halt if not.
By looking at the PC when the machine halts you can tell if your processor
implementation passed the test (because it halted at the end).
If not, which Halt it stopped on will tell you which test it failed.
There is a little glitch in that plan, though. If no instructions are known
to execute correctly, how can you rely on the test program working?
The answer is, you can't. You'll have to start with assembler programs
consisting on only a couple of instructions and verify by stepping
through your program that those instructions work. The test program
I described above can't be used until at least some kind of conditional
branch works. Because those are among the hardest things to get right,
you might start with straightline code that tests a number of instructions,
putting the result of each in a different register, and then halting.
Examining the registers when you halt should show where there are problems.
Remember that it's possible to debug your test program(s) (i.e., that software,
which needs debugging just like any other software) while the machine
is being implemented, using the Cebollita simulator. It would be good
to verify that the test program doesn't itself have a bug, so that you
don't misinterpret a software mistake as an error by the hardware (SMOK)
Building (Compiling/Assembling/Linking) Test Programs
Once you understand what is going on, you'll find this easy.
But there's enough to explain that I'm putting it on
a separate page.
Accessing/Using SMOK
SMOK is a Windows-only appplication.
In the labs, it's located at (what I think will be for you)
You can create a shortcut on your desktop by right-click-dragging
At home, there is a download available off the
SMOK homepage.
In both cases you'll find there are two executables, SMOK.exe
and SMOKTrace.exe
The latter brings up a console window where non-critical status and warning
messages are printed, and where components
write status messages every cycle; the former does not.
The trace window might be of use to you in tracking down bugs, but it's
typically easier to single-step the application and look at the component
states in the main window. (You can also add Halt components to your SMOK
model to act as something like breakpoints -- add a Halt that stops when the
PC has a particular value to get the garden variety breakpoint, for instance,
or add one to stop whenever whatever condition you're worried about occurs.
Also, remember that the initial model has a Halt component is
"triggered" by the initial PLA settings when a BREAK instruction
is fetched.)
The SMOK homepage links to a component reference guide that tells you
what all the components do. There is also a short example model construction
guide that might help answer some questions. Most operations are available
by right-clicking. You create a connection by first selecting (left-clicking)
on a component's input port (or a component, if it has only one input port)
and then on another component's output port (or the component, if it has only
one output port). There are keyboard accelerators for some common operations.
(For example, Ctrl-s brings up the save dialog box.)
The operations of PLA's are controlled by .smokpla
which must be edited externally to SMOK. You can cause a PLA component
in a running instance of SMOK to re-read its PLA file by reinitializing the
SMOK model. (The memory component will re-read whatever file you loaded
into it as well.)
The Files
We'll once again use the turn-in program. turnin
We'd like your SMOK model and PLA files,
as well as whatever test programs you tested your model on.
We also would like a short (under a page should do it) writeup telling us:
- the names of all team members, and the team name (letter)
- IF you know your machine isn't working, what isn't working and
what your guess is about why not
- what you've done to convince yourself the machine actually works.
Plus put the writeup in some format we can easily read (of which text is
the least likely to be portable): Word, PDF, or text if necessary.
Please submit files in a tar file hw3.tar. To make this file, enter cygwin, navigate to the directory
with your files and use the following command:
tar cvzf
hw3.tar <files to include>
for example:
tar cvzf
hw3.tar *.smok *.smokpla *.c *.s mywriteup.txt