Lecture 25 — shared-memory concurrency and mutual exclusion
traditional model: sequential programming
what happens when this isn’t true?
programming: need to divide work among multiple threads of execution and coordinate among them
algorithms: how can we structure computation to take advantage of multiple threads to improve performace
called speed-up or throughput (more work done per unit time)
data structures: may need to support simultaneous access by multiple threads
brief, simplified history
writing correct multithreaded programs is very difficult, so sequential programs have usually been preferred
this pretty much worked out 1980-2005 because computers got twice as fast every two years
over the last 10 years, this hasn’t happened
heat dissipation has become a serious problem
memory access is too slow
solution: multiple processors on one chip (multicore)
what can we do with multiple cores?
run multiple programs at the same time
can be done with a single processor using time slicing
do multiple things at once within a single program
parallelism vs concurrency
these definitions are not official or universal, but a good way to think about this
parallelism is about how to use extra resources (i.e., multiple processors) to solve problems faster
concurrency is about how to efficiently manage access to shared resources
our focus
cooking analogy
in 142/143: a program is like a recipe for a cook who does one thing at a time
parallelism: have lots of potatoes to slice?
hire helpers, hand out potatoes and knives
too many cooks, and you spend all your time coordinating
concurrency: lots of cooks making different things
only four stove burners
want all burners to be used as much as possible without spills or incorrect burner settings
why do we need concurrency?
first, why might we need multiple threads?
response to GUI events in one thread while another is computing something
processor utilization
if a thread “goes to disk,” have something else to do
failure isolation
an exception or other problem in one thread doesn’t stop the others
consider the following multithreaded scenarios
processing different bank-account operations
what if two threads change the account at the same time?
using shared cache of previously retrieved results
what if two threads try and insert the same result at the same time?
canonical example: bank account
void BankAccount::withdrawal(double amount) { double b = get_balance(); if (amount > b) { throw std::invalid_argument(“amount is greater than current balance”); } set_balance(b - amount); }
suppose thread T1 calls x.withdrawal(100) and thread T2 calls y.withdrawal(100)
we’re fine unless x and y happen to be the same account
If second call starts before first finishes, we say the calls interleave
computing could be interleaved in such a way to cause problems
does this fix it?
void BankAccount::withdrawal(double amount) { if (amount > get_balance()) { throw std::invalid_argument(“amount is greater than current balance”); } set_balance(get_balance() - amount); }
NO, a similar interleaving will still result in an incorrect balance
negative balance now possible, why?
interlace comparison to amount, write to balance sequentially
mutual exclusion
sane fix: allow at most one thread to withdraw from account A at a time
exclude other simultaneous operations on A too (e.g., deposit)
called mutual exclusion: one thread using a resource (here: an account) means another thread must wait
also called critical sections, which technically have other requirements
programmer must implement critical sections
the compiler has no idea what interleavings should or should not be allowed in your program
but you need language primitives to do it!
can we implement our own mutual exclusion?
void BankAccount::withdrawal(double amount) { while(busy) { } busy = true; double b = get_balance(); if (amount > b) { throw std::invalid_argument(“amount is greater than current balance”); } set_balance(b - amount); busy = false; }
we’ve only moved where the problem is:
many possible solutions, we’ll talk about locks today
a lock is an abstract datatype has the following operations
new: make a new lock, initially “not held”
acquire: blocks if this lock already “held”, otherwise makes lock “held”
release: make this lock “not held”, one currently blocked thread will acquire it
the lock implementation ensures this operations happen “all at once” (no possibility for other code to execute in the middle)
need special hardware or operating system support
almost there:
// BankAccount has void BankAccount::withdrawal(double amount) { lk.acquire(); double b = get_balance(); if (amount > b) { throw std::invalid_argument(“amount is greater than current balance”); } set_balance(b - amount); lk.release(); }
up to the programmer to use a lock correctly
potential problems?
other methods that write to balance will need to acquire the same lock
if set_balance and withdrawal don’t acquire the same lock, the result could be wrong
if they do acquire the same lock, then withdrawal would block forever when it tries to acquire a lock it already has
if we throw the exception, we never release the lock
re-entrant locks
we allow a thread that already has a lock to reacquire that lock
keep a count of how many times a lock has been reacquired
the lock must be released that many times before another thread can acquire it