CSE 374 Winter 2013
Lecture Topics

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Tentative lecture schedule. Expect some adjustments during the quarter.
Slides will normally be posted the night before class.
Sample code, demo transcripts, and other files will be posted after lectures, often later the same day.

January 7 Course introduction, shell basics
January 9 Processes, users, shell characters, emacs
Command sampler
shell history
January 11 I/O redirection, shell scripts
Sample code: lec3scripts.tar mtn.jpg
shell history
January 14 Shell variables, more shell scripts
Sample code: lec4scripts.tar
shell history
January 16 Regular expressions, grep, other utilities
shell history
January 18 Regular expressions (concl.), sed
shell history
January 23 Introduction to C
January 25 C: control, declarations, preprocessor, printf
code: printargs.c; magic.c; shell history
January 28 C: parameters, scope, left vs. right expressions
January 30 Pointers, examples
February 1 More pointers
Tools: gdb basics
February 4 gdb demo
code: original-reverse.c; reverse.c; gdb demo console
February 6 malloc/free
February 8 C structs, linked lists
code: structs.c; list.c
Tries, next assignment
February 13 Class canceled
February 15 Structs and hw5
Preprocessor revisited, multifile programs
February 20 Preprocessor wrapup
Tools: make and build dependencies; example project: talk.tar shell history
February 22 Memory management and hw6
February 25 Version control, svn demo: natasha boris; Subversion book
February 27 Project, make details, general catchup
March 1 Preprocessor wrapup, Linking and libraries
March 4 hw6, pointers, casts, etc.; Intro to C++
Sample code: BankAccount, String; cplusplus.com tutorial, Google C++ Style Guide
March 6 C++ class specification and implementation
March 8 More C++: constructors, destructors, dynamic data
March 11 Final homework
C++ subclasses and inheritance; Sample code: property classes
March 13 Inheritance and vtables; C++ virtual methods
March 15 Function pointers and objects in C; Sample code: funcptr.tar
Course wrapup