Midterm Study Guide, CSE
373 Spring 2015
Exam Policies
- Closed book
- Closed notes
- No calculators or other electronic devices
- Begins promptly at 2:30 and ends promptly at 3:20
Topics Covered
The midterm covers all the course material up through
and including
hash tables (all lectures up to and including April 29th). Topics
include stacks, queues, asymptotic analysis, dictionaries, AVL
trees, priority queues, heaps, union-find, disjoint sets and hash
tables. All material covered on the exam
will have been discussed in class and included in the posted lecture
materials though you may be asked to apply ideas in slightly new ways.
The exam will not test the AVL-tree delete operation or
the proof
that an AVL tree has logarithmic height.
Exam Format and Sample Midterms
Our exam will consist of various types of short-answer
You may be asked to write or read Java code or pseudocode. Below are
several sample exams from prior offerings of CSE 373 but please
understand these caveats:
- We are having one midterm this quarter. Many
previous quarters had two midterms. Only pay attention to questions
that cover material on the topics we have discussed in lecture.
- Topics covered on these exams may not be the exact
same topics
covered on our exam; please see above for the topics covered on our
- The sample exams are provided as a study guide, not
as any guarantee of the format of our actual midterm in terms of length
or type of questions. We think you will find the
actual exam somewhat familiar compared to the sample midterms, but some
differences are likely.
Sample exams:
Additional Study Suggestions
- Re-work problems from lecture and homework.
- Do additional problems from the textbook.
- Practice all the operations on stacks and queues,
binary search trees, AVL trees, binary min heaps, union find, hash
- Practice analysis of algorithms.
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Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350