Final Exam Study Guide
CSE 373: Data Structures & Algorithms
Autumn 2012
Final Exam, Tuesday December 11, 2012.
- 2:30
- 4:20pm in our regular lecture room
- Exam policies
- Closed book, closed
notes. Calculators NOT
- The exam begins promptly
at 2:30pm and ends at 4:20pm.
Topics covered on the Final Exam:
The Final exam is cumulative, although more weight will be
given to topics covered since the second midterm.
From Midterm 1 & 2:
- Stacks and Queues,
array and list implementations.
- Recursion. Designing algorithms recursively.
- Asymptotic analysis,
Big-O. Worst case, upper bound,
lower bound, analyzing loops, recurrences.
- Trees – definitions
- Dictionary ADT
- Binary search trees –
Inorder, preorder, postorder traversals, insert, delete, find.
- AVL trees - Single and
double rotations, insert, find. (No delete)
- Binary Heaps -
Findmin, Deletemin, Insert. Additional operations of increase, decrease,
- D-heaps - Findmin,
Deletemin, Insert.
- Disjoint Union/Find -
Dynamic equivalence relations, Up-tree representation, union, find,
weighted union (union by size) and path compression.
- Dictionary ADT
- Hashing -
Properties of good hash functions. Selecting hash table
size. Separate chaining and open addressing. Linear
Probing, Quadratic Probing, & Double Hashing to resolve
collisions. Rehashing.
- The memory
hierarchy - Temporal and spatial locality. Data
structure choice and the memory hierarchy.
- Graphs:
- Definitions, adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations
- Topological sort, Optimized topological sort
- Graph traversals: Depth-first, breadth-first
After Midterm 2:
- Shortest paths.
Dijkstra's algorithm. Greedy Algorithms.
- Minimum Spanning Tree
– Prim’s & Kruskal’s Algorithms
- Sorting:
- Insertion sort, Selection sort, Heap sort, Merge
sort, Quicksort. Lower bound on comparison sorting.
- In-place
sorting. Stable sorting.
- Bucket sort, Radix
- B-trees. Motivation, structure, choice of M and
L, Insert, Delete.
Topics covered on these exams may not be the exact same
topics covered on our exam; please see the list of topics listed above
for topics covered on our exam.
These are provided to help you study and are not meant
to be interpreted as a guarantee of the format of our actual exam in terms of
length or type of questions.
Sample final exam questions:
Links to previous exams (copied from the Midterm 1 and Midterm 2 pages):
Study suggestions:
- Do concrete problems
from the book and re-work problems from lecture, old midterms, and HW.
- Review slides, your
notes, reading assignments.
- All material from
lecture is fair game.