Conversion between canonical forms
Minterm to maxterm
- Use maxterms that do not appear in minterm expansion
- e.g., F(A,B,C) = ?m(1,3,5,6,7) = ?M(0,2,4)
Maxterm to minterm
- Use minterms that do not appear in maxterm expansion
- e.g., F(A,B,C) = ?M(0,2,4) = ?m(1,3,5,6,7)
Minterm expansion of F to minterm expansion of F'
- Use minterms that do not appear
- e.g., F(A,B,C) = ?m(1,3,5,6,7) F'(A,B,C) = ?m(0,2,4)
Maxterm expansion of F to maxterm expansion of F'
- Use maxterms that do not appear
- e.g., F(A,B,C) = ?M(0,2,4) F'(A,B,C) = ?M(1,3,5,6,7)