CSE370 Tutorial 3 - Using Aldec Active-HDL 6.1 to Compile to PALs
Programmable Array Logic: Specification, Compilation, and
This tutorial will familiarize you with the
process of mapping logic to a PAL and programming the PAL so that is
ready to include on your protoboard along with other circuitry.
In the following, a Verilog file describing a counter is used as an
example. However, you'll use a Verilog file of your own to
specify the logic to implemented in the PAL. After completing
tutorial you will know how to:
- Specify that a PAL is to be used to implement a block in your
- Instruct the tool as to the particular PAL to which the logic
will be mapped;
- Run the compilation process and read the resulting reports about
how the mapping proceeded including how to read the pin map for the
part; and
- Program the PAL so that it is ready to be used on your protoboard.
Even though this tutorial will show you all you
need to know
to create basic PALs, you should experiment
Active-HDL on your own. You will find that there are many tools and
that have been left out of this tutorial for the sake of simplicity. By
experimenting with these tools on your own, you will become more
with Active-HDL, and you may find different methods that better suit
style, while still achieving the same design goals.
Start Active-HDL
- Open
- Select the “Open existing workspace” option and select your
workspace from the previous lab in the window, or click the “More…”
to attach and open it.
- Click
* If you have forgotten how to use the
“More…” button
refer back to Tutorial #1 for directions.
Using a PAL in a Design
Go back to your Verilog design for the full-adder circuit of the
previous tutorial.
In the tools menu select “Preferences”. There are a few
steps to follow to tell ActiveHDL what type of programmable array logic
you are going to use.
Figure 1
- Select “Flows” from the Category list on the left. In the
“Select Flow” drop down menu select “Multivendor Flow” then click OK.
Figure 2
- In the Design menu, select Flow Settings.
Figure 3
- In the Flow Configuration Settings window locate the HDL
Synthesis section. Change the Tool Name drop down to “Cypress Synthesis
Implementation”. In the Defaults
section change the Family drop down to “Cypress SPLD.” Click OK.
Figure 4
- Open the design flow by clicking on the
Design Flow icon in
the tool bar.
Figure 5
- In the Design Flow page to the left of the “Synthesis &
Implementation” icon you will see an options button. Click the options
(Highlighted orange in Figure below).
Figure 6
- Ensure that the Top Level Unit drop down has your Verilog file
in it. If not, change it to match the file you want programmed in the
PAL. Note:
For a file to be listed in the Top Level Unit drop down box it must
already be
compiled. Change the Device drop down box to “c22v10” and the Package
drop down
to “PALCE22V10L-25PC”. Click OK when finished.
Figure 7
- When you are ready to generate the files
to program your PAL click on the “Synthesis & Implementation” icon
(shown in figure below) on
the Design Flow page. This will cause a file of type *.jed to be
generated that
can be used to program your PAL. NOTE:
Only click on the synthesis &
implementation button once. You will need the log file for the next
step to
determine the pin configuration. If
aldec starts a second synthesis it will clear the log files. When
a new synthesis, aldec clears the log files in preparation for the new
synthesis but then does NOT perform a new synthesis because the old
is up-to-date. This leaves you with a blank log file. If this happens
and your
log file is blank, change something in your Verilog file, save it,
it, then synthesis it. This will cause aldec to perform a new synthesis
generate a new log since the source file changed causing the files to
Figure 8
- After the synthesis completes click the
reports button that is
located to the left of the Synthesis & Implementation button.
orange in Figure below).
Figure 9
- You should look at this report carefully
and make sure you understand all its parts. Double click on the
report for your Verilog module and scroll
down until you find the diagram the displays the location of the pins.
diagram should like the figure below. NOTE:
Pin 12 is GND and Pin 24 is Vcc even though they say not used. You
might want to save this part of the log for future reference when you
use your PAL on your protoboard. Note that the pins are assigned
by the tool. In a later tutorial, we'll learn how to specify
where each input and output should be assigned.
Figure 10
- Goto the special PAL programming
station in the lab and logon as the appropriate user that contains your
.jed file on its network share.
- Place your 22V10 PAL chip in the
programmer. First lift the release lever so that it is pointing
straight up. The TOP of the chip (end with notch) should be away from
the lever(see diagram on right of programmer). Place the chip in the
programmer so that the chip is as close to the lever as possible. This
means that all the extra space for pins should be left towards the top
of the programmer. DO NOT force the chip in. Make
sure to properly align the pins. The
bottom of the chip should be near the bottom of the programmer which is
next to the lever. Your chip should fit in the red box shown in the
diagram below. After placing the chip in the programmer close the lever.
Figure 11
- From the programs menu go to BK
PRECISION and open the program BK4uw. After BK PRECISION opens and
finds the programmer, verify the programmer is working by looking on
the “programmer” box in the bottom of the window under status(red
circle in Figure 12) it should say “ready,” if it doesn’t contact the
course staff. IMPORTANT:
Verify the programmer is setup for your PAL by looking at the
“Device” window located at the bottom of the screen(red arrow in Figure
12) and making sure the program lists “Cypress PALCE22V10” as the
Device. If the Cypress PALCE22V10 is listed SKIP step #4 and go to
step #7. If another device is listed go to step #4.
- To setup the programmer to select your
PAL go to the “Device” menu and click on “Select Device.” In the Select
Device window (shown in figure below) type “Cypress PALCE22V10” in the
Search field. There are several Cypress
PALs, make sure you select “Cypress PALCE22V10.” Click OK when
finished. The PAL should now show up in the Device window at the bottom
of the screen should now look similar to the figure above.
Figure 13
- Next you will need to setup the
options you will be able to perform on this chip. Select the menu
option “Operation options,” which is located under the “Device” menu
and the “Device options” sub menu.
- In the Device Operation Options window
make sure the “Device” checkbox has a check in it. Click OK.
- Select Load from the File menu and
navigate to your .jed file and click open.
Figure 16
- Click the Erase Button on the toolbar
to erase the PAL
- Click the Program button on the
toolbar to load your .jed file onto the PAL.
- A window will appear asking for
confirmation. Make sure the Device box has a check mar. If the check
mark is present click YES. If a check mark does not appear, click no
and go to step 5.
- After the device finishes programming
a window will come up and ask if you want to repeat this action. Click
on the no button
- Congratulations you have programmed
your PAL. Remember to Exit BK PRECISION, remove the PAL from the
programmer, and log out of the computer for the next person.
Concluding Remarks
Comments to: cse370-webmaster@cs.washington.edu