Creating circuits is pretty easy if you know what you need to draw
before hand. To create a circuit schematic, simply place the parts
you need and wire it together. To wire two pins in the circuit
together, use the draw signal command under the edit menu or from
the pallette as shown here. To remove a
wire, either select the entire wire by clicking on it in the schematic
(it should highlight in yellow) and press delete or use the zap
command from the edit menu or the pallette to
delete a small section of the wire at a time. To move a wire once
placed, click on it and drag the section of the wire you want to move.
To move a part once placed, select the part and drag it (note: this
will also move wires connected to the part). Below I have shown the
circuit of the half adder as shown on page 26 of the Katz book
drawn in design works. Spending some extra time playing with the
tools will pay off in the long run and I cannot possible show all
the tricks here and keep this document to a reasonable length.