Midterm Exam

The midterm exam will be held in class on Friday, July 27th. It covers the materials from lectures and sections through Friday of the previous week, along with HW1-4 and WQ1-5. Specifically, it will cover the following topics:

  • Relational data
    • data definition in SQL, including constraints and indexes
    • data manipulation in SQL
    • queries in SQL, RA, and Datalog
  • NoSQL
    • simplified models: key-value pairs and extensible columns
    • document data model (JSON) and queries (SQL++)
  • RDBMS internals, including cost estimation

The best practice exam to look at is my midterm from CSE 414 from 17sp. (That is the version of CSE 344 for non-majors, but the main differences from the CSE 344 material are in the second half of the course, so the midterms should be similar.) Here is the exam and solution.

One page of notes (both sides) will be allowed. However, you will also be provided with this page of disk I/O cost estimation formulas in the exam.

Final Exam

The final exam will be held in class on Friday, August 17th. While technically comprehensive, it will emphasize the material covered on HW5-8 and WQ6-7. Specifically, it will focus on the following topics:

  • Parallel DBs
    • parallel query plans
    • parallel join and grouping algorithms
    • parallel query cost estimation
    • MapReduce
  • DB Design
    • E/R diagrams
    • constraints
    • functional dependencies
    • Boyce-Codd normal form
  • Transactions
    • ACID
    • serial, serializable, and conflict serializable schedules
    • (strict) 2PL locking

Here is a practice exam and solution from earlier quarters. It covers transactions and DB design, both of which will appear on our final.

If you are looking for more practice problems, some parts of my CSE 414 final exam from 17sp may be helpful (though not all of it). Here is the exam and solution. Part II questions 6-8 and 11-13 on schema design and part IV questions 1-5 look like the most relevant parts.

One page of notes (both sides) will be allowed. However, you will also be provided with this page of network I/O cost estimation formulas in the exam.