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Superclass: wx:object%

A wx:media-wordbreak-map% objects is used with a wx:media-edit% objects to specify word-breaking criteria for the default wordbreaking function. See also set-wordbreak-map, get-wordbreak-map, find-wordbreak, and set-wordbreak-func.

A global object wx:the-media-wordbreak-map is created automatically and used as the default map for all wx:media-edit obejcts.

Information for each character in a wordbreak map is stored as an array of small integers. Each array elemtns is a bitwise combination of the following ``reason'' bits:

The presence of a bit in a character's value indicates that the character does not break a word when searching for breaks using the corresponding reason. For example, if wx:const-break-for-caret is present, then the character is a non-breaking character for caret-movement words. (Each stream of non-breaking characters is a single word.)
