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Files: compat.ss, compatu.ss, compatr.ss, compats.ss, compatc.ss
Requires: functios.ss
Opened form requires: functiou.ss
Syntactic forms only: compatm.ss
Signature: mzlib:compat^
Unit: mzlib:compat@, imports mzlib:function^

This library defines a number of procedures and syntactic forms that are commonly provided by other Scheme implementations. Most of the procedures are aliases for built-in MzScheme procedures, as shown in Figure 15.1. The remaing procedures and forms are described below.

Figure 15.1: Compatibility aliases

(atom? v) PROCEDURE

Same as (not (pair? v)).

(defmacro name formals body-expr tex2html_wrap_inline12552 ) SYNTAX

Expands into an equivalent define-macro expression.

(getprop sym property default) PROCEDURE

Gets a property value associated with the symbol sym. The property argument is also a symbol that names the property to be found. If the property is not found, default is returned. If the default argument is omitted, #f is used as the default.

(letmacro name formals macro-body body-expr tex2html_wrap_inline12552 ) SYNTAX

Expands into an equivalent let-macro expression.

(make-class superclass variables init-proc) SYNTAX

Supports the obsolete MzScheme make-class form, now replaced with class.

(make-class* superclasses variables init-proc) SYNTAX

Supports the obsolete MzScheme make-class* form, now replaced with class*. The superclasses clause is now restricted to a single superclass.

(new-cafe [eval-handler]) PROCEDURE

Emulates Chez Scheme's new-cafe.

(putprop sym property value) PROCEDURE

Installs a value for property of the symbol sym. See getprop above.

(sort less-than? list) PROCEDURE

This is the same as quicksort (see section 15.2.10) with the arguments reversed.