Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Uses of Class

Packages that use OperationMode

Uses of OperationMode in org.omg.CORBA

Fields in org.omg.CORBA declared as OperationMode
 OperationMode OperationDescription.mode
static OperationMode OperationMode.OP_NORMAL
static OperationMode OperationMode.OP_ONEWAY

Methods in org.omg.CORBA that return OperationMode
 OperationMode OperationDef.mode()
static OperationMode OperationMode.from_int(int i)

Methods in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type OperationMode
 void OperationDef.mode(OperationMode arg)
 OperationDef ValueDef.create_operation(String id, String name, String version, IDLType result, OperationMode mode, ParameterDescription[] params, ExceptionDef[] exceptions, String[] contexts)
 OperationDef InterfaceDef.create_operation(String id, String name, String version, IDLType result, OperationMode mode, ParameterDescription[] params, ExceptionDef[] exceptions, String[] contexts)

Constructors in org.omg.CORBA with parameters of type OperationMode
OperationDescription.OperationDescription(String __name, String __id, String __defined_in, String __version, TypeCode __result, OperationMode __mode, String[] __contexts, ParameterDescription[] __parameters, ExceptionDescription[] __exceptions)

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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